Monday, January 28, 2008

Sticks to yer ribs..

Being that it was a cold and snowy morning here in Seattle, I decided to make a warm yummy something for lunch. After searching around I found a recipe for Baked Oatmeal in one of my tried and true cookbooks from the family...

These cookbooks are treasures. They contain all the favorite recipes from my Mom's side of the family. They are usually easy to understand, easy to prepare, and especially easy to consume.

There is a section of recipes from my Great Grandma Malena with things like Stroopwafels, Ice Box Cookies, Dutch Apple Pie, and good old Fried Chicken.

Another interesting section is Dutch Recipes. I must admit I haven't tried many of them, being as I can't pronounce most of them without Grandma K's help. Try it for yourself:
- Advokaat
- Vet Bollen
- Banket
- Boter-Koek
- Gevulda Speculaas
- Taai-Taai
- Rogge Brood
- Balken Brei

Well? Howd ya do?
So, I'm a-thinking I need to attack some of these recipes soon to preserve them. I don't want Jude to grow up never having tasted the yummyness of Banket with sprinkles at Christmastime.

Baked Oatmeal
Preheat Oven to 350. Mix together:
1/2 C. Oil
1/2 C. Sugar
2 Eggs

2 C. Oatmeal
1 C. Milk
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp nutmeg

Mix well and bake in a 9x9 pan for about 40 min.
(Original recipe Uncle Orlin & Aunt Judy H)

I (of course) tweaked the recipe a bit, the posted recipe includes my tweaks.

Mmmmmm....yummy. Notice how uneven it is? I may have taken a fork to it after the little one was in bed and couldn't witness his Mama eating it right from the pan.

So, being that it tasted so good, I tweaked it again and came up with this:

I didn't add the spices this time, and instead added dried cranberries, raisins and chopped dried apricots and prunes. We'll see what Jude thinks of this tomorrow for breakfast.

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