Monday, March 9, 2009

Craving Freezer Burn...

I just read an online article about how to save 25% on your food bill. Most of it had to do with not overbuying, cooking smartly and actually eating leftovers (as opposed to Tupperwaring and forgetting them).

I've been a Martha in the kitchen lately. Meaning I've been bit by the 'Have a hot meal on the table for the husband' bug. Also known as the 'I've been slaving over a hot stove, raising your progeny and am barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen so cut me some slack!' bug. Except that I'm not pregnant. And I usually wear cozy socks. But I DO enjoy a good cut of slack...with a side of guilt.

Not that I have to guilt my hubby to do anything kitchen related. The man is actually a whiz in the kitchen - a superb dishwasher packer (I suck, apparently), ingenious recipe alterer and stunning fridge/freezer reorganizer. That man has some serious skillz. His Mama taught him well.

Which is fortunate as we have to be smart about freezer space. At this point we do not have a bonus freezer stashed in the garage. We have our kitchen french door refrigerator with bottom split freezer shown here:

However, I've discovered that a 9x13 pan does NOT fit in any way, shape or form...unless it is melted down into one big ball, then I'm sure Lance could figure out a way to make it work.

During my major cooking spree I've been double or tripling recipes to have leftovers and frozen spares. Unfortunately, that means we are about to pay rent on the freezer space that we are using over at my parent's house.

Eventually, we'll buy a freezer...when it gets to the top of the 'Things we need to purchase for our home' list.

In the meantime, if you happen to have an unused freezer lying around, feel free to ship it to me...



  1. At mom's group, someone mentioned lining a casserole dish (you'd just need to use smaller sized ones) with foil and THEN putting the casserole in it to bake. So when it comes out, you can freeze it first in the dish, but then you can "pop" it out of the dish and cover the whole thing with foil and plastic wrap and they stack better. And then just put the frozen casserole mold back into the pan (sans foil, if you wish) when you're ready to reheat. I thought it was a good tip but admittedly, I don't cook like that often.

  2. We need a freezer too!!!! So what are you cooking? I'm always looking for new recipes.....

  3. Hmm...I very much need my extra freezer for my booby milk, sorry! But for a great freeze recipe that you don't even have to double, check out my Chicken Fiesta Bake recipe on my blog. The recipe makes enough for two 8x8" pans! FABULOUS!!! I have one in my freezer right now!

  4. OR you could send US the leftovers to put in our freezer. It wouldn't be a loan, however, because we'd most likely eat everything without you.


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