Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Happy Fall Y'all! Free Printable...

As of this past Sunday it is officially FALL!

I love the colder nights and the foggy mornings. And of course the cozy clothes: Scarves, boots, sweaters.

And pumpkins. I have a THING for pumpkins :)

I made up a fun free printable for you today! It is a square but could be cropped to your desired frame size.


Right click to download and save. Enjoy!

Amanda- Vintage Dutch Girl


  1. Yay, a blog post!! :)

    I love Fall the cozy clothes, colder mornings, and love the pumpkins too. All this talk of pumpkins makes me want to make pumpkin bars - yum! Also, my fave part of Fall is the changing colors. Not so much a fan of when they fall to the ground, but LOVE the changing colors!!


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