Friday, April 29, 2011

4 Yr Old Wedding Commentary and a Prince Printable...

Awwwww. I'm watching the royal wedding with Bubbalu and Lil Chick this morning. Bubbalu thinks there are some really cool hats, Lil Chick is a little more concerned with her cereal.

Other Bubbalu Royal Wedding Commentary:

Wow, look at all of those cool hats!

I saw two little boy princes and two little girl princes!


I think that prince is me.

Are the prince and princess going to kiss?

Why are they not going to kiss up there?

Men don’t wear PINK HATS!!!

Are they going to kiss now?

Cool, which of those singing boys is me?

Are they going to kiss now?

Also, I couldn't help myself but create another printable:

I married my prince almost 11 years ago, I'm the queen of his palace, he's the king of my dreams!



  1. aw I love it!! Brinkley pulled out her tutu and wanted it put on her head so she could have a veil like Kate's! :)

  2. Oh I love this! How do I download it so I can print an 8 by 10? Thank you!!!

    1. Hi! You right click on the photo and then click SAVE. :) Enjoy!


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