Thursday, September 29, 2011
Fitting Room Chit Chat...
I was in the mall (in and of itself a rarity for me) and missed the 9 PM big box store close deadline. See? I don't know how to work the mall. Those of you who have the location of every store memorized? I don't understand y'all.
However, ask me where to find a specialty fabric or random crafting item in Jo-Ann's and I can mentally walk the aisles and tell you right where to find it. You know, utilizing my completely accurate photographic memory.
Trying on clothes and trying not to eavesdrop on other customers' conversations is...well...impossible.
Hello echo.
First up was a tween who claimed that in California, life is perfect. Apparently Washington is the place to move to if you want to ruin your life. Good to know.
Next up was the girl who claimed that she needed some serious hootchie mama improvements. OK, lovely.
And the last was, "I look like a prostitute! YAY!"
Uh huh. Right.
Methinks the next time I go solo shopping I'll be wearing headphones...
Amanda - VintageDutchGirl
Friday, July 1, 2011
Gravity Defying Hair, A Dreamy Home and a Laugh...
I get to meet a new family member today :)
Let's do some link Love:
You need to go over and read a post my friend Tiff wrote over at her blog Still Seeking Sanity.
4 kiddos + a tightly packed Costco bathroom stall = THIS. Enjoy the laugh :)
This Dream House Tour over at House of Turquoise is SO stinkin inspiring and well, dreamy. Meaning, my keyboard has drool on it. It's gorgeous. Check er out.
Yup, I need to get back to sewing. This one would be a great pick. Love Grosgain Fabulous.
oh, and I worked out with my sister late last night (P90X, arms n back, ab ripper). It was pretty late so I just decided to take a shower without washing my hair.
Bout screamed when I looked in the mirror this morning. It defies gravity.
Off to shower and retame my tresses....
Follow VintageDutchGirl on FACEBOOK :)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
I'm BACK...Jiggity Jig!
Egads December was one stinkin crazy month!
I won't try boring you all with writing out in detail all that commenced in December 2010...instead I'll bore you all with giving you pictures.
Skadoosh! Here we go:
My itty bitty baby turned TWO. To celebrate we made her some mini cupcakes with pink frosting:
Um, I got more powdered sugar on the floor, counter and in my hair than in the mixing bowl. The Birthday Girl was frightened by the sound of the EVIL, MONSTER MIXER. Sheesh. At one point she laid her head down and sobbed. Drama queen. Bubbalu is...well... he just does that a lot.
Bubbalu (who also turned FOUR in December) was in our church's Christmas Program. Yes this is blurry:
But it's HUGE I tell ya. See that little boy? Here, let me point him out to you:

Yes, that one. He is actually ON the risers during the Christmas program! That's a first for our household. Pretty sure the Sunday School teachers were on to him and boxed him in on all sides with compliant, obedient children who wouldn't let him escape. He DID do some pretty intense head and upper body dancing but BY GOLLY he was ON the risers!
At the invitation of our Bro and Sis-in-law we dragged out rears off the couch and ran the jingle bell run. Yes, I actually ran it. Yes, it hurt. Turns out taking a four month leave-of-absence from running leaves you with zero lung capacity and shriveled, uncooperative muscles. Who knew!? Good thing I had a superb running coach that sweetly and kindly made me run the whole thing:
Isn't she cute? Yes, I'm wearing a Santa hat. Stop laughing.
The kiddos came along for the running ride and Uncle Shane and Daddy traded pushing our "city on wheels". Of course, I had to Christmasify the stroller too:
Yes, Bubbalu is wearing green light-up antlers and Lil Chick is masquerading as the tiniest Santa you've ever seen. You can't see it but their stockings are hanging from the handles in the back. Just wait til next year. We have HUGE plans. SUPER festive.
Had to share this one:
I LOVE Lil Chick's pink hat. She's giving Grandpa a nose Eskimo kiss!
So, didja get what you wanted from Santa? NO?
That's too bad, all (S)he has left is scrambled eggs:
Hope you and yours had a Merry Christmas celebrating the birth of our King!
P.S. For all you delightful lovelies, I have decided to have an indefinitely active Vintage Dutch Girl Etsy shop coupon code for 15% off all orders. Cause you are delightful. AND lovely. Your 15% off coupon code is: FOLLOWLOVE15 Happy Shopping!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Hi Mr. Gym, It's Nice To Be Back...
Oh, hi underused, unappreciated Mr. Gym, it feels SO SO SO good to be back!
Whatddya mean? You don't REMEMBER ME?
Yes, I have a current membership. Really, I do! I workout here all. the. time. Can't you tell by looking at my fabulous bod?
Oh just shut up.
OK, well, I did before the kids got sick. And before I got sick before that...and before my husband was sick before that...
OK, Mr. Gym, maybe you have a point.
But hey, I'm here now, let's just move on.
Whatddya mean my workout ensemble doesn't match? So what? I'm just thrilled that my socks match. So what if I had to take a shower BEFORE working out to shave my legs!? At least I was being considerate.
Mr. Gym, you had better not snicker at me behind my back(side) next time I walk in your front doors.
I'll get you back.
Maybe I won't wipe down the weight machines after using them.
Maybe I'll wear stilettos and run a 5k on your precious treadmill.
Maybe I'll sing my playlist out loud for you to enjoy while I work out.
Either way, I'll get you back.
YES, there will be a next time!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Climb Every Mountain...
Turn your back for one second and it goes from this:
to this:
We've been having LOTS of fun over here, how about you?
Been standing on your table lately?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
When Strolling Down Memory Lane Beware Of The Potholes...
I'm cute!
Please take care of me and LUV me forever and ever!
This is Bubbalu one year ago, give or take a few days.
We were still moving into our "new" apartment (which we have since moved out of). Wish someone would have told me I was going to move again in 8 months, I might not have unpacked.
Or painted.
One or four rooms.
But whatever. Not that I'm sick of moving one or two times in eight months...
OK, so last year at this time I was:
- taking care of my cute Bubbalu, who was still rather colicky and had breastfeeding issues
- unpacking the moving boxes
- training for my first 10k
- finally losing the baby weight (OK, we all know what "baby weight" means, right? It's not baby weight, it's chocolate milk, Cheetos and Oreo mint blizzard weight, K? )
- enjoying being a SAHMama
That's all I can really remember right now. All I know is that I was feeling overwhelmed and tired, but blessed.
Here is evidence of my blessedness:
I'm still smiling.
What were you all doing this time last year?
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Goodbye Little One...
-laid on the couch and cried for 30 minutes
-yelled at my husband for nothing (transferring emotions)
-apologized to my husband
-updated my gift list (again)
-picked up tons of junk
-ran 5 miles
-started laundry
-cleaned the kitchen
-attacked our paper stacks
-read ALL the blogs I read daily
-written this post
And it's only been 2 hours and 45 minutes.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Don't Want No Bling....
Just a word to the wise, you should hear SOMETHING. Rustling, sounds of exclamation over discoveries, things falling or being pulled off a shelf, coughing or gagging, whatever! Just make sure you start running if all is quiet with a 14 month old in the house (except if it is naptime, then leave them alone! ).
I was sitting here at the computer a couple of days ago, when I heard _______ . Yeah, nothing. I went in search of my Bubbalu and found him in the floor of my bedroom. He was chewing on something and playing in my jewelry case. I ran to him and finger swept his mouth revealing:
- 2 lapel pins without backs (revealing the pokey part that can punch through a thick coat)
- 1 ring
- 1 necklace charm
Ok, so if he wants to chew on stuff, ok. But goodness gracious child, pace yourself!
That's not the scary part. ( Although my heart was beating about 50 - 60 extra beats per minute.)
The scary part is I don't remember what was in the jewelry box case that he had gotten into. It was mostly stuff I don't wear frequently.
So, we are checking for bling in the diapers....lots of fun here.
And if I do find anything in there?
All together now, can you say "craigslist"?
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Ooh, MORE teeees!
Here I go! Catch me Mama!
Here's to a LOOONG nap.
Friday, February 15, 2008
1. a clumsy, awkward person.
2. a stupid or foolish person; blockhead
I am a HUGE klutz. Meaning the first definition. I don't think I am stupid or foolish, OR a blockhead, but a clumsy, awkward person? Uh huh.
I usually have a bunch of bruises of unknown origin. And just for the record, no, my husband doesn't hit me.
Lance looked at the multi-colored beauty by my knee..."where'd that one come from?". I don't know....the wall, the chair, the table, the coffee-table, the park bench that I slid off of yesterday morning on my run?
Wednesday morning I took Jude out in the stoller for a good run on the trail. I've been trying to keep my distance down because of my little issue, so only went a few miles.
I DO need to build up my leg strength so I ran to a bench to do some good leg step-ups (not sure what the official term is, but that's what I call em). I usually do 2 sets of 20 for each leg.
It was quite cold, and I was looking rather sporty chic in my cute workout pants/winter running top ensemble. See? New top! And ON SALE. ( They must be good, all they have left are extended sizes ).
Anyways, Jude was watching me from his stroller doing my step-ups when my foot slid off the edge of the bench and through the gap between the seat part and the back support part. I think I yelped, I'm not sure. I landed on my butt with my legs straddling the seat. I tried to get up at quickly as possible to save my 'I'm so cool in my outside workout gear' image. Unfortunately, a cyclist saw the whole thing and grinned as he sped past me. Ayyyyye.
Poor Jude, he just watched me, not really knowing what happened. Just you wait little one. Your Mama will probably embarrass you on an alarmingly frequent basis.
After all, I have a Mom who would publicly embarrass me just for kicks. She would see me walking with my friends in the mall and yell my name and do jumping jacks, while her sisters bust out laughing.
Gotta pass on the family traditions and values...
Monday, February 11, 2008
Ouch Ouch Ouch...
I've been having some knee pain with running lately. I've been trying to get back into shape (aka going to be in a bikini in 4 weeks ) with upping my mileage and weight training.
Iliotibial Band Syndrome. I think that's what I have. And no, I didn't go to my doctor, I self-diagnosed. I just don't feel like attempting a doctor appointment with an almost 14 month old wigglemaniac. So thank-you for your orthopedic information.
Surely rest, leg strengthening exercises and correction of my bow-leggedness will be a sure-fire cure.
Wait. I can't unbow-leg myself? Right. While I am not afflicted to the extreme of, say, a wrangler jean wearing Texan with a ten gallon hat, I AM bow-legged.
Who to blame for this? Well, I think dear old Dad.
According to Wikipedia, fellow bow-legged sufferers include:
- Jeff Foxworthy
- Christina Augilera
- George Harrison
At least I am among friends.