OK, so I have something gross to talk about today. You've been warned.
Yes, it involves kids.
Yes, it involves the bathroom.
Actually, strike that, it DOESN'T involve the bathroom....catch my drift?
I have a child who (shall remain anonymous. 50% chance, guess who?) decided that the bathroom was WAY too far away and the bedroom carpet was an EXCELLENT place to deposit urine. You know, don't want to walk 6 feet and use a toilet, takes way too much time away from playing. Awesome.
I need cleaning advice. I googled it, of course, and looks like I need some sort of enzymatic cleaner. It comes in powder and liquid form. Used this before?
However, where Google fails me is that I want an option to select only results from Moms. I'll call it the Momisphere. Seriously, that would be SUPER useful, agree? Only advice from fellow Mamas, not About.com, ehow, Wikianything or shopping results for products that will clear my urine to help me pass a drug test. Really!? Dear Google, you can send my royalty check via paypal. Thankssomuch.
Mamas lemme have it, advice for cleaning DRIED (yep, didn't discover it in time) urine from carpet? I need all the help I can get!
Amanda - VintageDutchGirl
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Showing posts with label Toddler Stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toddler Stuff. Show all posts
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Momisphere Advice Needed...
Baby stuff
Did I Do That?
Home On The Range
If Mama Ain't Happy...
Toddler Stuff
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
POOP is off my list...
For the greater good off all mankind, I have decided to put a limit to my use of the "p" word. (Insert massive cheering) You know, that word that is used a couple billion times during the potty training process.
The one that can make or break ya. Who really cares about a bunch of urine anyways? After working in hospitals for over 9 years it will barely make me lift an eyebrow. It's the OTHER STUFF that is the issue here.
I have to stop and remind myself that in normal, adult conversations poop (whoops, broke my rule) is not usually an appropriate or classy subject to discuss. HOWEVER, in the Mommy conversation world (which really is limited to a maximum of three exchanged sentences before you have to run off to rescue, relieve, save, comfort, cajole, intercede or discipline your child.) it is near the top of the:
Most Frequently Discussed Topics of Conversation
A few others that make the list:
1. Sleep - Lack of napping, night sleeping, swaddling, lack of or (rarely) excessive, nightmares, jammies, bedding, snoring, crying, bedtimes, best nap times, one or two naps, length of naps, getting your child to sleep, too early wake times, perfect nappers, nap avoidance, sleepwalking, sleep talking, sleep books, sleep studies etc. Sleep is also a make or break ya subject.
2. Eating - Everything from breastfeeding vs bottle feeding, issues with breastfeeding, colic, allergies, lactose intolerance, feeling guilty of no veggies in toddler diet, whole wheat vs. white, bottles/sippy cups/regular cups transitions, late night snacking, making/buying baby food, milk, toddler picky eating, silverware amounts of meals, day snacking, organic food, desserts, soda, etc.
3. Discipline/Behavior - bragging of perfection, commiserating about defiance, ideas or tactics to try, ages and stages, tantrums, strong willed children, passive behavior, aggressive behavior, sweetness, sullenness, shyness, caring, sharing, politeness, anger, parenting skills (including judging other parents' tactics - a big no-no in my book), etc.
Then of course, my current top topic:
4. Elimination - brand of diapers, E C ing (potty training from birth), cloth vs. disposable diapers, diaper wipes, soaps, creams, diaper rash, diaper rash and some more diaper rash, unscientifically proven but believed by Mamas worldwide: TEETHING DIAPERS, potty training, lack of or early potty training, potty seats, potty chairs, accidents, purposeful elimination in relation to #3 listed above, lack of aim (boys boys boys...*shaking head*), night time elimination, tactics for potty training, swim diapers (folks, please use them if you are not certain of your child's ability, no one likes floaters in the pool), use of regular diapers in the pool (largest and messiest things you've ever seen - yes they will explode), smells, shapes, consistency, frequency, colors...you get the idea.
But really, I'm purposefully trying to NOT DISCUSS THE POOP (Last time, really, just had to fit it in one last time). If I slip up and start off our conversation by emotionally vomiting poop (whoops, LAST time, promise.) stories all over you, please kindly and gently remind me my new Poop (oy, this may be harder than I thought) free discussion resolve.
What is your current fave (but possibly overdone) topic of choice? Any subject you might need to talk about a wee bit less like I do?
Facebook y'all.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Advanced Mama Scrubbing Math....
Lance and I spent a good 2 hours scrubbing Lola on Monday afternoon. (Lola is my sassy tahoe. Yep, I name all my vehicles. Why? Because it’s fun. And it’s fun to wonder out loud in the Costco parking lot, “Where’s Lola? We totally lost her!” Then the kiddos yell, “THERE’S LOLA!” I don’t know why it’s fun, it just IS.)
No, not scrubbing the outside, the INSIDE. Dis.GUST.ing.
We had an unfortunate non-stop vomiting bout on a car ride home from a Chris Tomlin concert a few weeks ago. Our normally two hour, ETA midnight trip was turned into a 2:00 AM arrival with a very sad and tired toddler.
Not to mention two grossed out and equally tired adults. But that’s OK, we still had phrases from the insanely awesome concert running through our minds: If God is for us, who can be against us? It kept me looking at the big picture, not dissolving into a hissy fit freak out at the present catastrophe.
Which it was. I had run out of my packed AND back-up car stash of baby wipes cleaning her up by the second episode and she was down to her last set of clothes. Six episodes later (Didn’t know someone so small could produce that much, uh, STUFF) and Lola was thrashed. Used up wipes, plastic bags full of gooey clothes, drive thru trash (hey now, don’t judge. Sometimes you just NEED a therapeutic ice cream and oreo blended treat…at 1 AM) and poor Lola looked as if she’d just barely survived a two week non-stop road trip across America. Poor girl.
I successfully took both kiddos’ car seats completely apart (a huge accomplishment ), dumped out the Costco sized bag amount of goldfish crackers that were stashed under, in and around the seats and hauled the pads and covers to the tub for a good old fashioned super detailed dutch scrub-down.
(Scrub brush x shampoo) + 3 hot water buckle de-juicifying pour thru’s/ 17 time rinse outs = a satisfactorily cleaned carseat.
That is some advanced Mama math right there. And everyone thinks my brother has all the math brains in the family!
Lola is back into tip-top shape.
Well, was.
I took my flu-afflicted Bubbalu to the pediatrician yesterday to be evaluated. Of course, we had lots of juice boxes and saltines crackers along to keep his tummy calm.
You know, saltines: AKA the most crumbly cracker on the face of this planet. And juice boxes : AKA entertainment, you blow into the straw and juice shoots out all over you, so awesome!
At least she looked good while it lasted.
And those thousands of juice drenched goldfish crackers? Smashed onto the garage floor….now covered by a kajillion juice drenched goldfish cracker hungry ants.
Ah well, at least I tried. Can you relate?
Off to put carseats back together, re-clean Lola and sweep out and spray the garage floor….
Facebook y'all!
No, not scrubbing the outside, the INSIDE. Dis.GUST.ing.
We had an unfortunate non-stop vomiting bout on a car ride home from a Chris Tomlin concert a few weeks ago. Our normally two hour, ETA midnight trip was turned into a 2:00 AM arrival with a very sad and tired toddler.
Not to mention two grossed out and equally tired adults. But that’s OK, we still had phrases from the insanely awesome concert running through our minds: If God is for us, who can be against us? It kept me looking at the big picture, not dissolving into a hissy fit freak out at the present catastrophe.
Which it was. I had run out of my packed AND back-up car stash of baby wipes cleaning her up by the second episode and she was down to her last set of clothes. Six episodes later (Didn’t know someone so small could produce that much, uh, STUFF) and Lola was thrashed. Used up wipes, plastic bags full of gooey clothes, drive thru trash (hey now, don’t judge. Sometimes you just NEED a therapeutic ice cream and oreo blended treat…at 1 AM) and poor Lola looked as if she’d just barely survived a two week non-stop road trip across America. Poor girl.
I successfully took both kiddos’ car seats completely apart (a huge accomplishment ), dumped out the Costco sized bag amount of goldfish crackers that were stashed under, in and around the seats and hauled the pads and covers to the tub for a good old fashioned super detailed dutch scrub-down.
(Scrub brush x shampoo) + 3 hot water buckle de-juicifying pour thru’s/ 17 time rinse outs = a satisfactorily cleaned carseat.
That is some advanced Mama math right there. And everyone thinks my brother has all the math brains in the family!
Lola is back into tip-top shape.
Well, was.
I took my flu-afflicted Bubbalu to the pediatrician yesterday to be evaluated. Of course, we had lots of juice boxes and saltines crackers along to keep his tummy calm.
You know, saltines: AKA the most crumbly cracker on the face of this planet. And juice boxes : AKA entertainment, you blow into the straw and juice shoots out all over you, so awesome!
At least she looked good while it lasted.
And those thousands of juice drenched goldfish crackers? Smashed onto the garage floor….now covered by a kajillion juice drenched goldfish cracker hungry ants.
Ah well, at least I tried. Can you relate?
Off to put carseats back together, re-clean Lola and sweep out and spray the garage floor….
Facebook y'all!

Did I Do That?
If Mama Ain't Happy...
Out and About...
Toddler Stuff
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
New Mothers: Stuff you REALLY need on your Registry
It always makes me laugh to see the ‘suggested’ necessary items and products that baby stores tell new mothers that they need to be an awesome, properly correct and latest-article-in-a-mother/parent-magazine-following Mama to their new bundle of joy.
Ya know, let me give you some advice. Some real Mom, in the trenches, advice.
Register for stuff you REALLY need to survive the icky parts (potty training, the flu, motion sickness, stomach bug, teething diapers, acid poo blowouts just to name a few) of having a child:
1. A hand held shower head thingymajig. Something like this:
Seriously, save the money you were going to spend on: (…fill-in-the-blank…) that stores want you to believe you need…and get a hand held shower device. Believe me. Trust me. You will unfortunately get far more use out of it rinsing the poo, pee and puke out of clothes than you can even imagine. Seriously, trust me.
2a. Lots of buckets. For use in conjunction with #1. Also used for holding large quantities of bleach water for washing vomit off the floor. (This is a rough walked off estimate, but the puking episode that occurred in our house last night created a 10 x 11 foot rectangle of splattery yuckyness. This doesn’t include the walls and baseboards.) You COULD purchase a bunch of brand new cute buckets, but I prefer to use Dutchware: Gallon Ice Cream containers. They are AWESOME.
2b. You could use bright blue plastic surgical rinse basins like I use.

Kinda weird? Yup, but that’s what happens when your Mom is an O.R. Nurse. Unusable medical disposable products are the way to go. I keep two at all times in my stall shower for emergency soiled clothes soaking purposes. Pour in some of bleach, fill with hot water from your handy dandy hand held shower head and soak those clothes.
3. Bleach. Lots of bleach. It’s cheap and effective.

4. Stain pre-treaters, preferably in a spray bottle:

That way you can keep your hands FAR away from the goo on the clothes. I buy it in bulk. Clothes with any sort of food (or other substance) on it gets a good dousing. IT WORKS FOR ME. Which is why Lil Chick can own and wear an off-white jacket that has survived an entire winter stain free. You can send notes of congratulation on my off-white stain free jacket success to my email.
5. A box of disposable gloves. For when you can't avoid touching the yuckyness. Trust me. WELL WORTH paying for these to deal with all of the above:

You don’t want those yellow non-disposable gloves that you have to wash out and reuse. You WILL remember what those gloves touched and it WILL make you gag. Besides, I always got water up the loose sleeves and then had pooled icky water on my fingertips. Yech. I buy disposable gloves tight enough so water can’t get in.
6. Old t-shirts. Excellent floor/wall/child scrubbers. You can use em and toss em.
7. Air Neutralizer Spray/Febreeze/Air Freshener. Unless you think the smell of acid poo is a lovely odor to be inhaling all day long.
8. Coffee. Directions: Administer liberally and frequently:
This is just a short, off the top of my head, list. Have something to add? Shout it out in the comments!
Let’s talk Awesome Mama skillz, shall we? In my kid clothing tote bins I still have nearly full sets of (almost!) white onesies in every size*. That’s what I call awesome. (Not that I’m proud of it or anything...Totally lying. I’m ridiculously giddy about it.) That’s my life now, feeling extremely proud of clean onesies and the ability to clean up poo and vomit efficiently and effectively.
*(Disclaimer: There HAVE been times that I’ve tossed clothing that is soiled beyond recognition. Cause sometimes you are just plain sick and tired of scrubbing poo. Just keeping it real folks.)*
Vintage Dutch Girl is on Facebook. See new blog posts in your news feed!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Pillowcase Dress Photo Shoot...
I finally got around to throwing together a cute lil pillowcase-ish style dress for my spunky Lil Chick. I had a pattern in my head and really needed to see if it would work or not. I had this bright aqua, pink and green adorable fabric found at Walmart (of all places!) and bought a good five yards or so because it just SPOKE to me.
Ever have that? I'll walk through a fabric store and hear a deafening chorus of "Pick ME!!!! Pick ME!!! Take me home! Add me to your stash! I promise I'll behave and be beautiful! You'll LOVE me!"
It's a bit overwhelming.
Anywho. Was thrilled that this was a quick project with a high cuteness factor. That fits two of the requirements to ensure a repeat of a sewing project.
Got Lil Chick, dressed her up, and asked her to just stand and smile for me:
Whoops, kinda blurry and missed the full-on grin.
How bout a close-up?

Hoo boy. Told ya she had some spunk. I think she gets it from Auntie Mimi ;)
You think you're funny, dontcha?
Her response to my "Stop picking your toes!" comment:
The teen years may be rough.
C'mon girl, PLEASE will you smile?
OK, last chance!
Close enough.
Have since made another, nautical inspired, pillowcase dress, the next one I make I'll be snapping photos for a tutorial! Go pick out some fabric that's yelling at ya...
Vintage Dutch Girl is on the BOOK of FACES.
Fashionista Wannabe
Girly Girl Stuff
Lil Chick
T shirts...Sassified
Toddler Stuff
Thursday, April 14, 2011
High Points and Low Points of Yesterday...
High Point: Sipping my morning coffee
Low Point: Sticking my fingers in poop
High Point: Dry diaper for Lil Chick's nap time - yay!
Low Point: Sticking my fingers in poop
High Point: Bubbalu saying "Mom, Mom, MOM MOOOOOM! I love you so much!"
Low Point: Sticking my fingers in poop
High Point: Big juicy Bob's burger with jo-jos
Low Point: Sticking my fingers in poop
High Point: Sewing a completed nautical pillowcase dress for Lil Chick in under an hour! Woot!
Low Point: Sticking my fingers in poop
High Point: Hanging out with my Mama and Sister
Low Point: Sticking my fingers in poop...at my Mama's house.
High Point: Lil Chick wearing cutie lil underwear!
Low Point: Sticking my fingers in poop....in one of those cutie lil underwear.
High Point: I took that hot-off-the-sewing-machine-dress to show Mama! Thank goodness cause I had nothing else for Lil Chick to wear after....
Low Point: ....Sticking my fingers in poop.
Dontcha just LOVE it when I'm potty training a child?
I talk about poop.
A Lot.
Sorry, but there will be a LOT of potty talk around here. If you're squeamish, you may want to take a Vintage Dutch Girl break....but don't be gone forever, I'll miss ya!
Ok, blurb it out. What were your High Points and Low Points of your day? I'm sincerely hoping you didn't stick your fingers into poop. It's not very awesome. (And if you did? I hope you washed your hands REALLY well. And scrubbed under your fingernails with an old toothbrush like I did.) Ick.
***Didja know you can find me HERE on Facebook? True story. Become a fan and see the latest Vintage Dutch Girl posts in your news feed. Oh, and it'll make my day :) ***.
Dontcha just LOVE it when I'm potty training a child?
I talk about poop.
A Lot.
Sorry, but there will be a LOT of potty talk around here. If you're squeamish, you may want to take a Vintage Dutch Girl break....but don't be gone forever, I'll miss ya!
Ok, blurb it out. What were your High Points and Low Points of your day? I'm sincerely hoping you didn't stick your fingers into poop. It's not very awesome. (And if you did? I hope you washed your hands REALLY well. And scrubbed under your fingernails with an old toothbrush like I did.) Ick.
***Didja know you can find me HERE on Facebook? True story. Become a fan and see the latest Vintage Dutch Girl posts in your news feed. Oh, and it'll make my day :) ***.
Did I Do That?
Lil Chick
Toddler Stuff
Monday, April 4, 2011
Girly Floof and Fluff..
FINALLY got bit by the crafting bugs again.
I was thinking about my Lil Chick and there is no reason why I can't come up with some sassy head decor for her. Ya know, hair clips, headbands, the normal floof and fluff that comes with a little girl.
I'm back to rolling flowers! It's a GREAT way to use up your odds and ends just can't quite throw it out fabric stash. So far we have a mini flower garden blooming:
I was thinking about my Lil Chick and there is no reason why I can't come up with some sassy head decor for her. Ya know, hair clips, headbands, the normal floof and fluff that comes with a little girl.
I'm back to rolling flowers! It's a GREAT way to use up your odds and ends just can't quite throw it out fabric stash. So far we have a mini flower garden blooming:
...yet with all those flowers I've only managed to put together ONE lil doodad for Lil Chick:

Goodness gracious, I'd better get back to it!
Sorry for the blah pics. Guess what!? It's dull and overcast and raining! I'm, like, SO surprised, like for sure!! (insert Valley Girl hair toss)
C'mon over and CHAT a bit...
Baby stuff
Fashionista Wannabe
Girly Girl Stuff
Toddler Stuff
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I am SO over Poop...
I am so over poop.
Poop of every brand, variety, scent, breed, classification, pattern, family, genus,
kind, order, set, type, complexion, color, connection, denomination, description, designation, fiber, gender, manner, mold, nature, number, persuasion, stripe, style, temperament, variety, way, cast, character, class, grade, make, quality and/or quantity, sort, species, distinctive label, gradation, grouping, rank or status.
That is all.
Home On The Range
If Mama Ain't Happy...
Lil Chick
Toddler Stuff
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
On Having My Parenting Skills Judged...
As a Mother I am judged every time I leave our house. Especially being that I have two extremely busy, inquisitive, strong-willed, extrovert children who are not in the least shy.
You've seen the look: Pursed lips, furrowed brow, sidelong glances.
My heart rate goes up and my palms sweat as I valiantly try to quickly and quietly (er, not TOO quietly) make my children appear like little angelic offspring. I care way too much what others think.
My kiddos were running around like uncontrollable banshees in our local thrift store yesterday morning. As I was struggling to corral them an older woman came up to me and said, "You are a great Mom. You are doing a GREAT job." To have that little bit of mercy shown during a particularly trying Mommy moment was a ray of sunshine through the storm clouds.
Fighting the demons in our heads that whisper "You are failing as a Mother, you aren't doing enough, you are worthless" is a monumental task. Only with Jesus.
Lord, bind those demons, shackle their powers. Have mercy on all of us today. Let all of us struggling Mama's be a light that shines for YOU through to our children.
Let the importance of what YOU think of us as Mothers take precedence in our thoughts.
Not what strangers think of us.
Not what our "friends" think of us.
Not what our neighbors think of us.
Not what our relatives think of us.
Not what our Facebook friends think of us.
Not what other parents think of us.
Not what our community thinks of us.
Nothing matters but to please YOU Lord. Help us be Godly Mothers today. Be our ray of sunshine through the stormy skies of Motherhood so we can shine Your love and grace on our children.
Baby stuff
On A Serious Note
Out and About...
Toddler Stuff
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Don't Assume ANYTHING. It Makes An......
First of all, you need to understand some things about me.
1. I don't pay full price. On anything.
2. I don't like to spend money on kiddos clothing.
3. I'd MUCH rather make Lil Chick a dress instead of spending $$ on one.
So, now that you know those few tidbits, I can continue.
OK, so this Mama had a major "I'm overwhelmed and underappreciated" freak out moment Sunday night...which was promtply addressed and rectified with a Mama only shopping trip Monday afternoon and evening.
It was GLORIOUS! Not to just push a shopping cart without being kicked in the stomach by a 4 yr old but to not have to keep track of two littles. Muchly rejuvinating!
Anywho, so I'm a shoppin and I see this adorable dress at Old Navy that would look superduper cute on Lil Chick:
Of course, the first thing I thought was, "hey, I could make something JUST like this with my extra pink tulle and her tshirt I have at home" but I decided to just go ahead and splurge.
It was full price.
There were NO coupons.
I bought it anyways. I was SO excited!
And sure enough, it looked ADORABLE on her! She twirled and smiled saying, "I pretty I pretty!" (seriously, WHERE do these little girls learn this stuff? I sure didn't teach her to do that)
And it stayed cute the entire 15 hours we owned it.
This is what it looks like now:

Every single arrow points to a splotch of dried on nail polish in hues of dark blue, red and pink. I didn't even bother pointing out all the clear nail polish. It was EVERYWHERE....believe me, the entire bottle was used up.
Oh yes, they didn't just ruin a brand new dress, they also did this:

(sorry for the blurryness....that woman never sits still)

(Looks awash in guilt, huh? Completely unrepentant.)
What you can't see is that Lil Chick is wearing FOUNDATION. Oh yes, my two year old is wearing a full layer of base makeup. Apparently Bubbalu has watched me get ready a few too many times. He's taking notes and practicing on Lil Chick.
I was less than gentle as I scrubbed the polish off with remover....and then had to quickly do a full body shower scrubdown to get the polish remover off their delicate skin.
Whattya know, we only had lukewarm coldish water today! ;)
They are BOTH currently napping...it's a first of Febuary miracle!
What ran through my mind not three hours ago, "huh, I haven't blogged in awhile, what the world am I going to write about???"
Ask and you shall receive...
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010
RePurposing Bubbalu's Button-up Shirt For Lil Chick....
I LOVE little boy button-up collared shirts. I have Bubbalu in one almost every Sunday and a few days of the week too. It never fails to make me smile. They make him look like such a cute lil man!
I'm also digging the whole Women's boyfriend shirt thang:
Urban Outfitters
American Eagle
Being that I have a ton of these button-ups of Bubbalu's and this fun women's wear trend....you can pretty much guess what I did, right?
In order for Lil Chick to wear these hand me down shirts of her older brother, they needed some tweaking and embellishing. Some Sassifying, if you will.
First of all, I wanted them to fit her in a bit more feminine style. Most boy shirts are extremely boxy and unshapely. I could have taken in the sides but really didn't feel like measuring and all that jazz. Because I'm slightly lazy.
Enter elastic thread. LOVE THIS STUFF. Use elastic thread in replacement of your bobbin thread and you will have lovely gathered, flexible, fabric scrunching. It's delicious.
Mark off a centered rectangle section on the back of the shirt at the approximate waist area:
Replace your bobbin thread with elastic thread and start sewing.Making sure you bobbin will sew on the UNDERSIDE of the shirt, start on one corner of your marked rectangle and, backtacking first, sew a straight line the entire long side of the rectangle:
When you reach the end of your marked section you'll need to sew a hairpin turn and then sew across making a second line. CLEAR AS MUD?? OK, I'll draw you a picture to show you what I mean:

Start sewing at the red star, end at the green star. VOILA.
You'll end up with a gathered section that looks like this underneath:
That's ALL I DID. Threw it on Lil Chick and snapped some pics.
See how the gathered section adds a girly touch?
Of course I HAD to give her a flower pin:
(Yes, she DOES have two piggy tails, one is just hiding. I'm not trying a new hair fad on her)
This shirt looks great on her with jeans, or leggings and sparkly flats. Love that I can easily repurpose Bubbalu's old shirts into something fun and sassy for my little lady...without spending a cent.
I'm off to sassify some more button-down shirts...
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Linking up to these FAB crafty parties:

Fashionista Wannabe
Girly Girl Stuff
T shirts...Sassified
Toddler Stuff
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Needed: Advice On Traveling With Kids...
Oh my lands, are we completely nuts?
I've just booked the flights and condo reservation for our very first voluntary destination family trip. That'd be my husband and I...and our 3 yr old and a 19 month old.
Are we completely nuts?
Yup, but we are bound and determined to have a grand ole time making memories as a family of four. We're going somewhere sunny so I'm hoping for days playing in the pool and catching rays, early bedtimes for the kidlets and take-out 'n DVD date nights with the hubby. There are also a few family and friends we will also hopefully see and maybe maybe I'll get some shopping in!? One can only hope.
SO, being that this will be the very first time our kids are on an airplane....I need your help. Your advice. Your warnings.
So lay it on me folks. Please give me some practical advice on flying with young kids...
Baby stuff
If Mama Ain't Happy...
Toddler Stuff
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Bubbalu Likes To Vacuum...
Bubbalu did the 30 min Shred with me this morning. Lil Chick wanted in on the "fun" and did a few push ups and squats too. Yep, my kiddos will be ripped in no time. Nothing like a 6 pack on an eighteen month old. So anywho, I start the workout and Bubbalu takes one look at Jillian and says, "Mommy, that woman is angry. That is a MAD woman". You got that one right Bubbalu!
So on to my post subject...
If Bubbalu is bored (which happens frequently, evidenced by his insatiable desire to destroy things and see what household items the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser CAN'T remove sharpie from) my catch phrase is: "If you're bored you can choose to play outside or scrub my floors". I can just hear my Mom saying that to me when I was a young gal. What can I say? Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Bubbalu played outside for a good long while this morning on his play set. He then came to the screen door and said, "Mommy, I'm ready to scrub your floors!".
Love that boy.
Well, I scrubbed the floors yesterday so I offered him the job of vacuuming up the crumbs under the table. True to form, this boy not only vacuumed the entire dining room but moved on into the kitchen, pantry AND hallway making sure that no crumb was left behind.
LOVE that boy.
"Mommy, I'm done, now what can I do?"
OK, you can wipe down the table and your place mat for me.
So he wipes down the table, place mat, chairs and Lil Chick's high chair as well.
OK Bubbalu, you've helped out SO good, now you can go back outside to play.
Do YOU ask your kiddos to help out with daily chores? Which ones and at what age?
** Been reading along for awhile now? Didja know you can find me HERE on Facebook? True story. Become a fan (or like) and see the latest Vintage Dutch Girl posts in your news feed. Oh, and it'll make my day! **
Home On The Range
Making the Eye Crinkles Deeper
Toddler Stuff
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Flouncy Skirt...with Tutorial!
Mama made me a Flouncy Skirt. It's nice and sassy, just like me:
It's flips and flounces as I walk and crawl:
or when I'm standing, just being me:
The Flouncy Skirt:
Step 1: Purchase or repurpose xx-large (as large as you can find) clearance with extra 50% off lowest price jersey t-shirt with bottom elastic ruching, or banding, detail. I found mine at an Old Navy clearance and paid under $2 for it. For this project it works best to have multiple layers of banding/elastic ruching to create your easy skirt waistband. Here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about:

Step 2: Measure your little girl's waist and add about two inches. Using this measurement, cut through one layer of the shirt to cut your new waistband. Leave an extra fourish or so inches on the length, like so:
Step 3: Put shorter right sides together and sew, creating a tube. The skirt waistband is already finished so no fussy finishing needed there. Yippee!
Step 4: Find a complimentary fabric for the Flounce main part of the skirt. I choose some leftover pink flannel that I am LOVING right now. I cut mine 6 inches wide by 30 inches long. Add extra width for a longer skirt or extra length for a flouncier skirt. Subtract inches in the width for a shorter skirt or subtract inches in the length for a less flouncier skirt (WHY anyone would want a LESS flouncier skirt, I have NO. IDEA).
Step 5: Finish (or leave raw, you rebel you!) both edges on the length and sew right sides of the width together creating a big tube of fabric. This will be your FLOUNCE.
Step 6: Gather and attach the flounce to the waistband. You can sew a basting stitch an inch lower than the top hem and gather the skirt before sewing the flounce to the waistband or you can be lazy like me and just hand gather and eyeball it, shoving folds of fabric under the presser foot as you go. I realize this sounds confusing, here's a diagram:

Sew the RIGHT side of the bottom edge of the waistband to the WRONG side of skirt flounce along the dotted line ( yes, leaving an inch or so of finished edge fabric out) attaching the flounce to the lower elastic edge of your already made waistband, gathering as you go. Here's a pic of mine:
Step 7: Cut a 4 x 4 square of fabric from leftover t-shirt and attach to under skirt making it a boyshort. Diagram:
Step 8: Try your Flouncy skirt on your daughter and giggle at the cuteness of it all:
Step 9: (optional) Dig through fabric stash and plan for 5 more FLOUNCY skirts...
Girly Girl Stuff
Lil Chick
T shirts...Sassified
Toddler Stuff
Monday, January 11, 2010
Destructo Boy Strikes Again...
On Saturday mornings we try to sleep in.
Usually this means we get up at 6:45 instead of 6:40.
Our 34.2 lb "alarm clock" usually wakes us up.
Last Saturday our alarm clock woke up at SIX.
Um, NO. Back to bed you go.
Bubbalu wasn't too thrilled at being put back to bed and wandered downstairs whilst Mama and Papa tried to sleep in.
I was dozing and could hear him rummaging around with his train set. After a good while it got quiet.
The TOO QUIET is NEVER good with young children.
It's the TOO QUIET that makes you sprint down the stairs to find out what's going on.
This time the TOO QUIET was:
and (look closely, window AND windowsil) :
and more window and windowsil:
Oh yeah, and I forgot, the pièce de résistance:
Kinda ironic that I'm googling "how to remove sharpie" and reading the hints and tips THROUGH a sharpie scrawled screen.
Surprisingly, the computer screen was the easiest thing to clean. How I did it? A pencil eraser. It erased the sharpie RIGHT OFF. I was astounded, but very relieved that my computer screen wasn't permanently damaged. Oh, and when I picked up my camera to take a picture of the sharpie-marked room and turned it on, sure enough, he'd gotten the back display too. Pencil eraser once again to the rescue.
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser got most of the sharpie off the computer, mouse, printer, exersaucer (didn't take a picture of those) , camera, window and windowsil. If you remember, this isn't the first time Bubbalu has marked the windowsil.
No, I never did get around the sanding it down and refinishing it the first time around. Good thing because I would have been that much more upset...as if that's even possible.
Took me only an hour to laugh about it all. Lance smiled right away.
It was one of those JUST CHOOSE JOY moments. This time it took me an hour. I'm working on shortening the time distance between THE EVENT to THE JOY.
I think this may be a life-long journey, this CHOOSING JOY business...
If Mama Ain't Happy...
Mommy Moment Of Brilliance
Toddler Stuff
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