Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rainy Printable....Dutch Priced!...(aka: free)

It's close to the end of April and we are smack dab in the middle of super dreary rainy weather.

I know what you are thinking!

"Uh, duh. You live in the Pacific Northwest. Ya know, Rain Land!"

Yup, I do.

Doesn't mean I'm not sick of the rain!

I am ready for SPRING....and SUNSHINE!

I whipped together a lil ole printable for you, to express my thoughts on the weather. It's Dutch priced just for you. You know, FREE.

Sunshine is coming soon. I'll be thrilled to replace this with a sunshiny spring or summery printable!



Vintage Dutch Girl is on FACEBOOK! See new post links in your news feed!

1 comment :

  1. This rain is just sad. know what's HAPPY!!! WE GET TO HANG OUT THIS WEEKEND! =) Can you say, "GIRL TIME!" =D


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