Showing posts with label Yippee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yippee. Show all posts

Friday, April 4, 2008

Cruise Collage...part 4

Hey Shorty, it's your birthday...really, it was my birthday! We were docked at Puerto Vallarta, but we were tired of touristy things and spent a grand total of 58 minutes in an internet cafe located right at the Marina. Sad, huh?

So, back onto the ship....

This is my coffee and I on my b-day morning, starting the day out right.

Luv birds on our bed when we returned from breakfast...

My toes once again, showing the pool area.

Here I am, doing what I wanted to do on my birthday : Bake, Read and Rest.

Lance participating in the poolside ring toss....

..he lost to the little kid sitting on the left.

We got spiffed up for dinner again...

and liked how each other looked!

I have SUCH a sweet husband...

Happy birthday to me.


Cruise Collage...part 3

Well, this day is easy. Our next port of call was Mazatlan. This is the ONLY picture I took while there:

What can I say? I was enthralled with all the non-prescription medication available. I probably stood there for about 10 minutes reading labels, saying to Lance ,"you can get THIS here?". I didn't get anything because:
  1. I'm not sick.
  2. I don't have any conditions requiring meds.
  3. I'm not quite sure I trust the quality of Mexican meds.
  4. I would rather have bought the "coach" purse I saw in the market, but didn't want to shell out the 35 bucks.

Oh wait, my HUSBAND didn't want me to buy the purse. He said I already HAD a purse. Silly man, hasn't he learned anything from these last (almost) 8 years of marriage?

So, we got back on the ship and baked in the sun all day...

Basically, a perfect day.


Cruise Collage...Part 2

Ahhh, Cabo, you are my friend...

We got off our ship...

and went on a short tendered ride to the harbor.

Check out the rock formations and the secluded beach!

Here I am in all my "HELLO I AM A TOURIST!" glory. Snorkel gear pack, camera case, and lanyard. Hello Mrs. Nerdy. At least I wasn't wearing a fanny pack...

From the harbor we hopped on a short boat taxi to aforementioned beach. It is called Lovers Beach. Uh huh, because we love each other, we got to go.

Hey! It's Mr. Nerdy!

You can see our ship in the background.

Mr. Nerdy trying to set up a camera shot on his geocaching hike.
Nice shot of the Pacific side of Lovers beach.

There you go! Got the shot.

That's my man!

We are happy, tanned, and relaxed.

These are our feet. I always take pictures of my feet when I travel. Notice Mr. Nerdy's sandals? Super cute, huh? BLECH. He would NOT go for the Reef flip flops despite much encouragement from Mrs. Nerdy.

Nice self snapshot...except my head looks about 3 times the size of Mr. Nerdy's head...and the coastline doesn't look quite level. Give me a break, we were on a rocking boat!

The picture is kinda blurry, but you can just make out the signature red and blue COSTCO stripes on the building. This tickled me to no end that there is a Costco at this lovely Mexican destination.

Back on board for more food and fun...

Where I apparently clapped with delight after my scrumptious meal.

Either that, or I am practicing my pose for my new modeling gig.

What? A new modeling gig? Oh wait, I just made that up in my head...


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Cruise Collage....Part 1

A few weeks ago Lance and I went on a honey-cruise to have some fun and reconnect. Bubbalu stayed with his loving Grandparents, solidifying the wrappage of grandparents around said child's little finger and being loved to pieces. He didn't miss us much.

Wanna know what we did? K, get your mind out of the gutter, not gonna share about that...

Lance owned the rock wall...

and won an all ship speed race...

despite the nerdy helmet. ("honey, I WON!")

We got spiffed up for a formal night...

...and why am I smiling so much?

Because this man is my date....

And we still love each other.


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Spoiled Little Brat....

That is me. I am a spoiled little brat. Sad thing is, I am smiling while I type that.

Why am I a spoiled little brat?

Well, when we were chatting up how much fun our honey-cruise was, Lance's family decided it would be the perfect last minute spring break jaunt for them. Trouble is, they needed four people to go, not three. Can you guess where this is leading? Yep, I'm going on ANOTHER cruise.

See? Spoiled little brat. I told you. My husband just shrugged and said "sure, why not? Have fun!" , and my Mom said, "sure I'll watch Bubbalu, why not? Have fun!", and I said "sure I'll go again, might be fun!".

So there you go.


Friday, March 28, 2008

No More Bloggy Break

I know, I know, I took a LONG bloggy break. But, it was worth it!

Lance and I went on a much anticipated 2nd honeymoon Mexican cruise trip last week. Pictures are pending! We left Bubbalu behind with his doting grandparents (on both sides). By the end of the week, I think he may have been more pampered than we were (no pun intended)! After getting back home, we stayed up in L-town with our families and played a bit longer.

Drove home through snow today (really? SNOW at the end of march? I am embarrassed to admit I packed shorts and capri's for L-town, silly me) and am settling in again after 6+ loads of laundry.

What happened in the blog world? What did I miss? Other than all you fine folks, of course.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

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