Friday, January 14, 2011

Tweets of Monkeys and Queso...

Yup. Finally caved.

Even flopping and floundering around as a newly hatched lil twittery bird, you are invited to join in and follow me. You'll enjoy me chattering about skinny monkeys, the nutritional benefits of consuming queso and other equally electrifying topics that will most assuredly stimulate scholarly dialogue.

You know......about moneys and queso.

Huh, maybe the monkeys need to EAT some queso?

Told ya it'd be ELECTIFYING. Convincing, ain't it?
I know what you're thinking, "You had me at Queso".

Help a lady out and leave me some hint/tips in the comments cause this newly hatched lil twitter chick has no idea what she's doing...


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I USED To Have A Job...

Back when I used to have a job (that gave me things like checks that I could cash for money and self-confidence that I was an educated and appreciated member of the labor & delivery world) I would work three twelve hour shifts three days in a row. 36 hours.

With a half an hour lunch break (often eaten while staring at fetal monitors) that makes it 12.5 hour shifts so that makes 37.5. Oh wait, don't forget you need to get their early to park, walk in, change into scrubs, report to the floor and be good to go by 7. That makes a respectable 40 hours.

WHY does that matter? It doesn't. I'm just rambling.

I always took a day to "recover" after those tiring three 12 hour shifts in row. After that recovery day I was up and running again, back to normal and ready to attack life.

This December my Vintage Dutch Girl Etsy shop went bonkers. In a bonkery GOOD way :) Turns out people LIKE infinity scarves, and especially plaid and fleece ones:

Purple Buffalo, Brown Plaid, Red Plaid, Teal Plaid

I must admit, I'm partial to them too. If you were one of the reasons I was busy filling orders, THANK YOU for shopping my Etsy shop.

I had a superdupercrazybusy month. The Etsy wonderfulness, my two beautiful children turned 2 and 4 and also there was this little thing called CHRISTMAS! Think: seven family parties in four days. Yowza.

I'm a bit worn out. However, I've been taking a recovery-month-of-sorts and can sense the normal returning.

I've got a bunch of sewing ideas, decor ideas, furniture makeovers, upholstery redoing (*Ahem* learning) and then normal jib jabbing coming up this year.

Stay tuned my lovely readers!


P.S. For all you delightful lovelies, I have decided to have an indefinitely active Vintage Dutch Girl Etsy shop coupon code for 15% off all orders. Cause you are delightful. AND lovely. Your 15% off coupon code is: FOLLOWLOVE15 . Happy Shopping!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'm BACK...Jiggity Jig!

Egads December was one stinkin crazy month!

I won't try boring you all with writing out in detail all that commenced in December 2010...instead I'll bore you all with giving you pictures.

Skadoosh! Here we go:

My itty bitty baby turned TWO. To celebrate we made her some mini cupcakes with pink frosting:

Um, I got more powdered sugar on the floor, counter and in my hair than in the mixing bowl. The Birthday Girl was frightened by the sound of the EVIL, MONSTER MIXER. Sheesh. At one point she laid her head down and sobbed. Drama queen. Bubbalu is...well... he just does that a lot.

Bubbalu (who also turned FOUR in December) was in our church's Christmas Program. Yes this is blurry:

But it's HUGE I tell ya. See that little boy? Here, let me point him out to you:

Yes, that one. He is actually ON the risers during the Christmas program! That's a first for our household. Pretty sure the Sunday School teachers were on to him and boxed him in on all sides with compliant, obedient children who wouldn't let him escape. He DID do some pretty intense head and upper body dancing but BY GOLLY he was ON the risers!

At the invitation of our Bro and Sis-in-law we dragged out rears off the couch and ran the jingle bell run. Yes, I actually ran it. Yes, it hurt. Turns out taking a four month leave-of-absence from running leaves you with zero lung capacity and shriveled, uncooperative muscles. Who knew!? Good thing I had a superb running coach that sweetly and kindly made me run the whole thing:

Isn't she cute? Yes, I'm wearing a Santa hat. Stop laughing.

The kiddos came along for the running ride and Uncle Shane and Daddy traded pushing our "city on wheels". Of course, I had to Christmasify the stroller too:

Yes, Bubbalu is wearing green light-up antlers and Lil Chick is masquerading as the tiniest Santa you've ever seen. You can't see it but their stockings are hanging from the handles in the back. Just wait til next year. We have HUGE plans. SUPER festive.

Had to share this one:

I LOVE Lil Chick's pink hat. She's giving Grandpa a nose Eskimo kiss!

So, didja get what you wanted from Santa? NO?
That's too bad, all (S)he has left is scrambled eggs:

Hope you and yours had a Merry Christmas celebrating the birth of our King!


P.S. For all you delightful lovelies, I have decided to have an indefinitely active Vintage Dutch Girl Etsy shop coupon code for 15% off all orders. Cause you are delightful. AND lovely. Your 15% off coupon code is: FOLLOWLOVE15 Happy Shopping!
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