Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Iphone Oops

I love how my iphone automatically finished my words and sentences and even fixes my spelling mistakes! SO stinkin handy.

However, if you are writing to thank another blogger for a link and say, "Hey, thanks for the linky love"

That is NOT what gets sent. Feel free to use your imagination.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ethical Parenting with Princess Frostine...

Remember playing the game Candy Land as a kid?

Looked a little like this:

Well, I finally taught Bubbalu how to play a few nights ago.


It was the longest lasting Candy Land game ever recorded on God's green earth.

We went through the HUGE stack of cards (pretty certain Hasbro has added 547 cards to the game's newest edition) twice before I started "helping" him along a bit. I'd already won and was reveling in Princess Frostine's candy castle but in the interest of teaching sportsmanship I decided not to get up and do my "I BEAT you, I am the KING OF ALL!!" shimmy. Didn't think it would set the right example.

Fess us, do you "help" your kiddos along when playing games? How bout so you can WIN???


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Friday, January 14, 2011

Tweets of Monkeys and Queso...

Yup. Finally caved.

Even flopping and floundering around as a newly hatched lil twittery bird, you are invited to join in and follow me. You'll enjoy me chattering about skinny monkeys, the nutritional benefits of consuming queso and other equally electrifying topics that will most assuredly stimulate scholarly dialogue.

You know......about moneys and queso.

Huh, maybe the monkeys need to EAT some queso?

Told ya it'd be ELECTIFYING. Convincing, ain't it?
I know what you're thinking, "You had me at Queso".

Help a lady out and leave me some hint/tips in the comments cause this newly hatched lil twitter chick has no idea what she's doing...

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