Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Don't Assume ANYTHING. It Makes An......

First of all, you need to understand some things about me.

1. I don't pay full price. On anything.

2. I don't like to spend money on kiddos clothing.

3. I'd MUCH rather make Lil Chick a dress instead of spending $$ on one.

So, now that you know those few tidbits, I can continue.

OK, so this Mama had a major "I'm overwhelmed and underappreciated" freak out moment Sunday night...which was promtply addressed and rectified with a Mama only shopping trip Monday afternoon and evening.

It was GLORIOUS! Not to just push a shopping cart without being kicked in the stomach by a 4 yr old but to not have to keep track of two littles. Muchly rejuvinating!

Anywho, so I'm a shoppin and I see this adorable dress at Old Navy that would look superduper cute on Lil Chick:

Of course, the first thing I thought was, "hey, I could make something JUST like this with my extra pink tulle and her tshirt I have at home" but I decided to just go ahead and splurge.

It was full price.

There were NO coupons.

I bought it anyways. I was SO excited!

And sure enough, it looked ADORABLE on her! She twirled and smiled saying, "I pretty I pretty!" (seriously, WHERE do these little girls learn this stuff? I sure didn't teach her to do that)

And it stayed cute the entire 15 hours we owned it.

This is what it looks like now:

Every single arrow points to a splotch of dried on nail polish in hues of dark blue, red and pink. I didn't even bother pointing out all the clear nail polish. It was EVERYWHERE....believe me, the entire bottle was used up.

Oh yes, they didn't just ruin a brand new dress, they also did this:

(sorry for the blurryness....that woman never sits still)

(Looks awash in guilt, huh? Completely unrepentant.)

What you can't see is that Lil Chick is wearing FOUNDATION. Oh yes, my two year old is wearing a full layer of base makeup. Apparently Bubbalu has watched me get ready a few too many times. He's taking notes and practicing on Lil Chick.

I was less than gentle as I scrubbed the polish off with remover....and then had to quickly do a full body shower scrubdown to get the polish remover off their delicate skin.

Whattya know, we only had lukewarm coldish water today! ;)

They are BOTH currently napping...it's a first of Febuary miracle!

What ran through my mind not three hours ago, "huh, I haven't blogged in awhile, what the world am I going to write about???"

Ask and you shall receive...


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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sweet As Sugar...

Quick, Mama's on the phone! She won't hear me sneak a treat!!!

Yup, the sneaked treat of choice is powdered sugar.

Mama said I shouldn't take this saying literally:

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice,
That's what Little Girls are Made

***Edited to Add****

Uh, turned my back for 14 seconds and found her like this:

That's right, putting away butterscotch chips like a professional.

Goodness gracious...


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Features, Makovers and Vacays...

Looky loo who is being featured today over at Blue Cricket Design! Check it out HERE.

I spent forever and a day updated my Vintage Dutch Girl Etsy shop header, descriptions and pics and such. I'm loving how it turned out.

Here's the bright and shiny new header:

Such an improvement over the previous one.

Don'tcha just love a good makeover? I've been watching 'What Not To Wear' during my lunch breaks (yes, I actually give myself an hour 'lunch break') and never tire of watching what an new outfit, haircut and makeup can do for a person. It's intriguing to me.

Same goes for a home makeover. My Mom in Law is a professional home stager for real estate and some of her before and after pics are AMAZING. Such a huge difference...with sometimes just a different way of arranging furniture and streamlining.

It's also handy when I can ask my MIL to come over and play with furniture arrangments and decor with me. She LOVES it and it's her gift!

OK, my Starbucks bottled Frapp is almost empty, which means I need to go and pack soon. We are heading home tonight from a GREAT weekend getaway to Whistler, BC. Lots of cross country skiing, chick flicks with my sis in law, games, shopping and just fun in general. Bubbalu and Lil Chick stayed home and had a blast with my Mom and Dad. It was so good as a Mommy to get a break!

There was 8 hourish period during the day when I didn't have any clue what time it was. We were skiing and I didn't need to feed anyone, put anyone down for a nap, get someone to preschool, change a dirty diaper, wash dishes or any of the general stuff that Mama's do. I can't tell you how liberating it was not to NEED to know the time. It was a true Mama vacation.

However, I'm missing em something fierce. When I start talking about them non-stop I realize that, yes, I would like to see them very soon.

Tonight, my little ones, Mama's coming home!

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