Raise your hand if you own a flat iron/hair straightener.
Raise you other hand if your flat iron has so much baked on hair stylin' crud you are embarrased to call it yours.
Dont'cha just hate it when your hair straightener shreds and damages your hair? Me too. I have a good four years of hair junk built up on it. So much junk that I was shopping for the best deal on CHI flatirons. Cause they are the best...and I have LOVED my Chi. Until the baked on crud started to affect my mental state.
Girlfriends, I'm about to change your life.
I googled every possible way to safely clean your ceramic flatiron.
So far over the past few months I've tried:
* Washcloth with water and scrubbing flat iron while hot. Lots of steam but no crud-clearing.
* Washcloth with hand soap and water- nada
* Washcloth with shampoo and water-mininal help. My fingers cramped up after a 1/2 hour.
* Qtip with rubbing alcohol- nada
* Qtip with non acetone nail polish remover- nada
* Picking off junk with my fingernail - some help but I put a tiny chip in one section of the ceramic plates - Not good. Not recommended.
* Yelling - nada...but I swear that thing smirked at me.
* Smashing again the counter - once again, not recommended
I'm lying in bed trying to fall asleep and I get one of those bright shiny light bulb AHA! moments. Lay in bed, try to ignore the brilliance of the idea and fall asleep. After all, it IS after midnight and the kids will be up poking my eyeballs at 6 AM.
Doesn't work. Mind is whirling.
Finally sneak outta bed and try my idea out.
Schneikees it WORKS! My going on FOUR year old CHI looks brand-spankin NEW. No joke.
(Well, except for that little aforementioned chip I inflicted.)
Any guesses to what I did?
Two words:
Thank you, Mr. Clean, for once again bringing your A game to the VintageDutchGirl household. Extremely pleased with eraser performance and will definitely be using again in the near future. Thank you for not damaging my wonderful Chi flat iron in the cleaning process.
Only problem is, it's 1 AM and no one to call and celebrate with. Ah well, that's what a BLOG is for, right?! To take one simple little thing and turn it into a full blown conversation.
Alrighty ladies, get scrubbin those flat-irons! Let me know if it worked for ya!
Off to find warm milk and maybe some soothing, sleep inducing chocolate chip cookies...
***Get more electrifying information and shockworthy news at the VintageDutchGirl Facebook page found HERE***
*I have been in no way endorsed or compensated for this post by Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Which is too bad, because I'd make an EXCELLENT spokeswoman. I have LOTS to clean*