I made the ULTIMATE grocery shopping mistake Saturday night.
Can you guess it?
Yes, I went grocery shopping HUNGRY. And not just hungry but ravenous. Growling stomach and all.
Let me tell you something. Other than Sunday mornings during the congregational prayer, my stomach NEVER growls. Not so Saturday evening. Maybe it was prepping for Sunday morning?
So, I did my shopping and didn't really delve into my psyche enough to realize what I was doing. Because HELLO, I was out at the grocery store kid free! My mind goes crazy fun bonkers when I'm set loose like that. Dangerous I tell ya, Dangerous!
My Sister Becca was at my place when I came home. Bag by bag was unloaded and she. couldn't. stop. laughing.
Why? This is why. I brought home:
4 cartons of ice cream
1 bag of lime tortilla chips
3 jars of queso (just in case we got snowed in)
1 bag of Reeses peanut butter cup bites (in pastel wrappers. Because anything in a pastel wrapper can be marketed as EASTER candy. So dumb)
3 Flavored coffee creamer (Coconut cream my NEW FAVE!)
1 loaf of WHITE bread!? We are a hard core wheat bread only household. SERIOUSLY where was my brain?
Oh yes and 2 cans of extra large (but light!) whipped cream.
Busted. No WONDER she laughed at me.
My only saving grace is that I DID purchase 2 lemons, a can of diced green chiles and some fresh chives. You know, the nutritional equivalent of sucking on some pine cones.
Good thing I have superhuman incredible self discipline to avoid those foods or I'd be in MAJOR trouble...
***Facebook + Vintage Dutch Girl = Something Uber Awesome ***
Favorite new Costco.com find!
I think I need these:

Tell me I'm not the only one who loved these!?!? (and maybe tasted them a time or two)
I'm collecting decorative letters so I can eventually have the entire alphabet on a wall in our bonus/playroom.
I keep a list on my phone of what letters I need so when i'm out and about dumpster diving, thrifting, clearance rack perusing or whathaveyou I can quickly see if I need a certain letter or not.
It's not going very quickly.
I'm already imagining the day when I have only two or three letters left and I find a particularly elusive letter. I'll be jumping up and down, pumping my fist and screaming "EEEE!! I found the EEEE!!!" or something equally embarrassing.
Being that it's been awhile and I've only put a fender bender-sized dent in my alphabet-collecting mission I'm needing to do SOMETHING with all these random letters sitting around. So, I just threw em up on the walls in the house.
Yes, I'm having a huge family party here on Sunday and I'm sure I'll get the, "Huh, look at that, there's a huge C on the dining room wall and none of their names start with C. Wonder what THAT'S for?". I'll have to make up something brilliant and wow them when I say it stands for the Spanish verb cocer (to cook) or the four C's of diamond gradation.
Conversation starter? Youbetcha.
Keeps me on my toes as well. Because really, it's going to be a mighty stretch to come up with what V F stands for. Very Friendly? Vocal fatigue (occurs VERY FREQUENTLY in our house).
That's it! Very Frequent Vocal Fatigue. Yup, sounds good to me.
Can you figure this one out?

Spring Break?
Green Beans?
Plant Biology?
Take your pick, I like em all.
And my favorite double grouping of them all:

It's really just a friendly gangsta-wannabe salutation.
And it's always nice to be friendly...
***Whatthatyousay? Vintage Dutch Girl has an itty bitty Facebook page? Huh. Interesting.***