Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Farmer Jed's Orange Grove...

Boy, "Seriously Farmer Jed, what HAPPENED to your oversized orange grove???"

Farmer Jed, "What are you talking about, yellow cap huge boy? These amazingly ginormous ears of corn and apple as big as my face severely restrict my peripheral vision."

Boy, "Your entire orange grove what picked apart by what appeared to be a famished 4 yr old human! Dude, what's up with your pants? Are you wearing an overall SKORT?!"


This is what ran through my head after serving the kiddos lunch.

I need to get out more...


Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm a Lumberjack and I'm OK...

Gotta love a lumberjack:

While I was sleeping last night my Red Plaid Infinity Scarf made it to the FRONT PAGE of Etsy! SO excited :)

OK, who will sing this one with me?



When you get the brilliant idea to offer straws to your kids to drink their tomato soup instead of using a spoon, just ignore it.

Trust me.

Maybe I need to drink another cup...er, pot of coffee because obviously my brain is not on.

OR, maybe the paint fumes have finally gotten to me. Yup, I have another painting project going on. Another room that will be transformed so it feels more like ME. That better serves our family and our (OK....my) great organizational needs.

Translation: I'm slightly messy. I have issues with organization. I LOVE the look and concepts, and drool over pictures of organized, compartmentalized, sorted and labeled storage areas. I just can't get it there. There's a major mental roadblock. Really, I need to call my sister, offer her a mocha in exchange for whipping our room into shape.

I have the mess + she has the ability( Hot Venti Mocha) = DUH. Right?

Becca, seriously, I need ya girl...


Vintage Dutch Girl on FaceBook

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