Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Poo Whisperer...

My Hubby called me a poo whisperer this morning.

Before I'd even finished my 4 cup pot of coffee.

I can't wait to add it to my resume. If I ever do go back to being employed outside our messy home I wonder if under special talents and skills POO WHISPERER will net me a job.

Granted, I'm an RN, so poo DOES come with the job. Especially in Labor and Delivery.

...From the BABIES! Sheesh, where did your mind go?

(Let's just close that side subject, shall we?)

We are freshly back from a family camping trip and my hair still smells like a campfire, despite three shampoo scrubdowns.

On this camping trip my Lil Chick was amazingly, well, productive in the poo department. My Hubby marveled at how quickly I could tell she needed a diaper change.

As in immediately. Or two seconds after if I was lagging a bit.

What can I say? I've got some serious poo detecting skilz.

We are taking a breather on the potty training for a while....mostly because while she can stay dry all stinkin day long, the poo is the problem.

And in my book if it's the poo that's the problem, we are gonna TAKE. A. BREAK.

Cause this Mama is sick n tired of scrubbing poo out of princess underwear. The potty I can deal with, it's no biggie. After all, it IS sterile, right? The poo? Disgustingness.

Also, we are going on another extended camping trip soon and Potty Training + Camping = Stressed out Mama.

I've done potty training while camping before. It didn't end well. We earned the #1 Trashiest Campsite award.

This camping trip is supposed to be fun and relaxing, full of laying in the sunshine, swimming (floating really) in the lake and consuming massive amounts of chocolate.

So while I AM the Poo Whisperer, we are taking an extended potty training break...


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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ballerina Batwoman Yeti...

This girl is trouble:

Especially while wearing her Ballerina Batwoman Yeti outfit.

Gotta get me one of those...


Friday, July 1, 2011

Gravity Defying Hair, A Dreamy Home and a Laugh...

No time today for a long blog post because...

I get to meet a new family member today :)

Let's do some link Love:

You need to go over and read a post my friend Tiff wrote over at her blog Still Seeking Sanity.
4 kiddos + a tightly packed Costco bathroom stall = THIS. Enjoy the laugh :)
This Dream House Tour over at House of Turquoise is SO stinkin inspiring and well, dreamy. Meaning, my keyboard has drool on it. It's gorgeous. Check er out.
Yup, I need to get back to sewing. This one would be a great pick. Love Grosgain Fabulous.

oh, and I worked out with my sister late last night (P90X, arms n back, ab ripper). It was pretty late so I just decided to take a shower without washing my hair.

Bout screamed when I looked in the mirror this morning. It defies gravity.

Off to shower and retame my tresses....


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