Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Framed Pink Lemonade Sunshinyness...

I'll frame just about anything.

I want it to be cute, seasonally appropriate and low cost...or even better, FREE. Cause I like free.

I pick up picture frames (glass and mat or no) at our local thrift shop a few times a month. So, that means I usually have a large stash of frames just waiting for their turn with the spray paint. Unlike the rest of the nation, it's been super rainy here this "summer" so I've not had many chances to be outside spray painting things. So sad.

However, I did manage to get one frame spray painted a nice sunny yellow. Insert a 4X6 Costco print of this summerific Pink Lemonade Recipe free printable (from Funkytime). Staple a length of knotted fabric to the back as a hanger and hang it up.Pin It

Well hello bit o summer, nice to meet you! Yes, you ARE making it seem more sunshiney in my house. And making me thirsty. For purty pink lemonade in a glass with a sugar coated rim.

Nope, it wasn't free, but does under $1.00 count as cheap n thrifty? Yup, think so.

I just love the Insta-summer-art.

OK, not instant. It took me a good month to finish this project. Because I can be extremely forgetful about a project until my hubby gives me an "um, hello, what is this yellow frame doing just sitting on a pile of books in the garage?" look. Then my memory miraculously returns.

Happy Summer y'all..


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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Vintage Xbox for Four (and a HALF) year olds...

Being that is was another cold Washington Summer Weather 2011 day, the kiddos were getting bored being stuck inside the house. Again. (and I may have been going slightly bonkers).

Having been introduced to the wonderful world that is video gaming by my boy cousins at a recent family dinner, I hauled out our old school Xbox to show Bubbalu how it's done.

A. When I say old school, I mean it. The date promter started at '01. Which made me giggle. Just think, only 9 more years and it's eligible to be sold as Vintage on etsy!

B. Bubbalu is a better Rallysport driver than I am. Embarassing. Being showed up by a 4 (and a HALF! he always insists) year old. Huh, all those days growing up playing Wolfenstein on our PC didn't teach me anything!?

C. Should I teach him DanceDance Revolution? That'd be some serious hilarity. And an effective energy burner....hmmm. (...Runs off to find DDR dance mat....).

D. I need to unearth some older Xbox kids games. Anyone willing to donate some old castoff games to the "Amanda needs to clean her house and keep her sanity" fund?

Happy gaming!


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Sixteen Hour Ice Cream Headache...

It's amazing how much a simple familiar smell or taste can immediately take me back to my childhood.

Yesterday we finally had some summer. According to the University of Washington, we have had a TOTAL of 78 minutes of weather above 80* this "summer".

Nice to know my whining was legit.

But hey, say it was pushing top 90's here we'd all be complaining it was TOO hot. Yup, no air conditioning (generally) in Washington! We'd be fanning our faces and worrying about the status of our tomato plants (mine is doing EXCELLENT this year -woot!).

I am fully aware the rest of the nation is suffering from a huge heat blast. Feel free to crash Seattle for awhile, I'm certain it will be refreshingly cool. If you do, hit up University Village, grab a mocha from Starbucks and enjoy the shopping.

Yesterday felt GREAT. It hit a whopping 71 and the entire west coast of Washington dropped their normal days plans and ran outside for some Vitamin D rejuvenation.

I was out and about running errands and hit up Dairy Queen for some ice cream cones for the kiddos. Of course, if Bubbalu or Lil Chick saw any drips starting from their melting ice cream they freaked out yelling, "Mama! Quick! Fix my ice cream before it falls!".

Mama HAD to step in and "fix" the problems :)

It surprised me when I had my first taste of that plain vanilla ice cream.

I said out loud, "Well, that's the taste of my childhood summers". My kiddos looked at me strangely, but hey, they do that everyday.

The kiddos loved their ice cream (of course) and so did Mama :)

I am currently sitting on the couch debating with Bubbalu about the length of time one can truly complain about an ice cream headache in order to qualify for a sick day.



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