Tuesday, August 23, 2011

No Fear? No Problem...

Yesterday we started up one last round of daily swim lessons before preschool starts up again.

It helps Bubbalu learn how to swim (duh) and helps keep his huge bucket-sized need of social interaction and physical activity partially filled. MUCH more full than can be accomplished sitting at home with a boring Mama and a sister to torment.

This kid has no fear. As I've said before, I've always wanted his swimming instructors to scare him a bit, to help him develop a healthy sense of fear for water.

NEVER works.

Hence the need for LOTS of swim lessons so we know he will be safer when he is around water.

This lack of fear was proved again at our local fair where he rode as many rides as his height would allow, the faster and scarier the better. Oy.

This is our first lessons at this local pool for Bubbalu. It's actually where I learned how to swim. Great memories! After a swim lesson is done, all students get a chance to go down the really tall (for a 4 yr old) slide or jump off the diving board.

Of course there was no hesitation from our thrill-seeker.

Grabbed my phone JUST in time to snap this pic of Bubbalu shooting off the end of the slide with a look of absolute glee on his face:

Pin It

Makes me laugh EVERY. SINGLE. TIME I look at it :)

Off to rinse out his swim stuff...


VintageDutchGirl on FACEBOOK :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Stain and Germ Smackdown...

I cannot believe how excited I was yesterday for the FedEx truck to arrive.

I was actually giddy.

As a stay at home Mama with two very messy (and one pottytraining) younguns, I'd say these are pretty giddy-worthy:

On your left is the Eureka Enviro Steamer Hard Surface Steam Mop, 303A. I purchased mine here.

On the right is the Bissell Little Green Portable Deep Cleaner. I purchased mine here.

SO, STINKIN excited! My beautiful wood floors take a daily beating. As in milk drips from leaky sippy cups, being peed on (sad but true), trudged on with muddy shoes, sneezed on, sat on by toddlers with leaky diarrhea diapers, food squashed onto (and dried!) and other random disgusting grossness.

I hate to mop. As in hands n knees with a bucket of soapy water and a rag mop. Up till now I haven't really found any other cleaning device that is as effective as the old fashioned way. But THIS steam mop!? Cue the hallelujah chorus. Drips, smudges, etc just melted away effortlessly!

Here is a before/after shot of my kitchen floor:

Yes, they really ARE gleaming!

The ultimate test, the corner where Lil Chicks' high chair lives:

Smooth as buttah! And all it took was WATER....and killed tons of nasty bugs, because that steam? 220 degrees. Twice as much as the Shark one.

Before deciding which steam mop to get I read reviews like a crazy lady, and especially the seven steam mop comparison review on Amazon.com. I was most concerned about reviewers saying it leaked all over the floor the first time using it. Not at all! Smiled like a techy dweeb the entire time I used my new fave cleaner.

Hey now, don't forget about my cutie lil green machine! I've taken it out of the box and kissed it, but haven't used it yet. I have a list of about 10 pillows, pieces of furniture, places in my car and carpet spots that I'll be using this baby on. Can't wait for the stain smackdown to begin!

Ah yes, I must truly be a Mama to be THIS excited about cleaning appliances....


***Oh yes, I should probably say that I've received NO compensation, was provided NO tester products or given anything except for a smile ole fat smile for this post...it was all me baby.***

VintageDutchGirl on FACEBOOK :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hot Fudge and My Knight in Shining Dental Loupes...

Yep, it's been quiet around this ole blog. Our annual fair is going on this week which makes the entire town go nutso for the entire seven days.

OK, not the entire town. But really, it's noticable. Especially in a town where rush hour is three cars lined up at a red light.

I'm also fighting a bad cold. No, absolutely NO nose sniffling! An immediate red flag goes up and a flashing neon sign spelling WARNING! WARNING! in bright red letters appears in my brain due to the dangerous and rapid increase in intracranial pressure.

My Knight in shining dental Loupes came home from work and whisked the children off to have dinner out and leave me to rest and relax in peace. Glorious. Wonderfully healing, I tell ya.

I miss craftin... and sewing.... and doing crazy projects that makes a huge mess but ends in something beautiful.

I blame pinterest.

Or rather, I blame my obsession with pinterest. It's too fun!

So, yes, I miss craftin. So I just hauled out all my girly bow n ribbon thingymajigs to make a requested hair clippy for a dear friends' daughter. She's a cutie patootie. My friend Trisha AND her cutie patootie daughter.

Hubby just brought me home a steak salad and lots of extra uneaten kid meal items from the restaurant (Nuthouse for you locals).

Not sure what I'm more excited about, the steak salad or the kiddie food :) Can anyone relate?

I've got a movie started on my laptop, ('New in Town'), good food, fun crafties, a hubby giving me free time and two jars of Smuckers special recipe hot fudge in the fridge (microwave, spoon, mouth. In that order).

Life is good. I'll kick this cold in NO time living like this!


p.s. Tomorrow I'll show you what the FedEx truck brought to my door today. I'm oohing and aahing in between my hacking and coughing...
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