Today my alarm went off early (too early) and we got ready to jump in the car and get on the road to the show.
We had packed up Lola, our hillbilly trailer, Lance's car and my MIL's car full of scarves, pillows, aprons, earrings and display and booth stuff the night before. Then we covered the hillbilly trailer with a huge ugly gray and brown tarp and strapped it down with black bungee cords and yellow rope.
Because we are classy like that.
Poor Lola. It's like being dressed up for a cocktail party and pulling a large turd behind you on a cart:
That's my rockstar hubby in the drivers seat. Waiting patiently for his lady, his Mama and his Mama in law as they hit up Starbucks for their coffee fix.
Drove through the rain and arrived at the fairgrounds, located the building, and started piling stuff in.
First of all, check out my booth space pre-move in! Looks pretty sad and cold except for a pile of dropcloths which I use for my booth walls:
After hauling the booth bones and setting those up:
Then fast forward four hours. We have unpacked all the product and are in the "prettying" stage of setting up. Everything is in the booth, we are just figuring out how to best display stuff to make it interesting to look at, enticing for shoppers and easily shoppable. Here is my "try on" station!
Lots and lots of ruffly aprons and tons of scarves, headbands and earrings. Kinda blurry, but you get the general idea:
Then we had to break to repark our hillbilly trailer. Proud to say I backed it in without hitting anything. Score a big gold star for me! Photographic evidence:
And what I didn't take a photo of was me stuffing my face at 11:04 I forgot to eat dinner for the second night in a row.
My poor body is so very confused. Looking forward to regaining normalcy once the show is done! Which means I should really start exercising again. {sigh} Can we just fastforward past those annoyingly painful, out of breath and jiggly first 5-10 days of restarting your exercise regimen? Thatdbegreatthanks.
EX.HAUST.ED. I need to sleeeeeeeep. Thankful that I can sleep in tomorrow morning and rest up before the Apron Party portion of the show tomorrow evening.
Off to bed I go...