Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I've got the BLUES...

I've got a recent fondness (OK, obsession) with the color blue.

This obsession is evident in the silver sage paint in my house (that is really a lighter blue/gray):

(Restoration Hardware Silver Sage, bottom right)

the clothes I wear (currently a teal long sleeved top. You'll thank me for not taking a self portrait of myself right now. Not my best day)....

or the fabrics I choose to purchase for new scarf patterns for VintageDutchGirl Etsy:

(VintageDutchGirl Etsy) Pin It

Yup, They are all BLUE.

I tend to drift towards bluesy green hues that remind me of our sometimes dreary, yet cozy Pacific NW coast and skies:

Link(Image via Design-Seeds)

Or the brighter aqua hues of a Caribbean ocean:

(Image via Design-Seeds)

They all speak to me differently: Invigorating, restful, peppy, cool, classy, funky, soothing.

Just Remember: Having the blues isn't always a bad thing.

After all, I'm currently sitting in my silver sage painted dining room on a dark red dining chair while wearing my teal shirt....and a big smile.

Amanda - VintageDutchGirl

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Bullet Point Catch-up...

Lands sakes alive our December was chaos.

Anyone else?

I'm reduced to bullet point snippets to bring all 3 readers back up to speed:
  • Christmas. Phew! It was BUSY. The past Month was so packed I have a hard time remembering it all.
  • That's why I'm having a hard time letting it go.
  • My Christmas tree is still up.
  • 9.5 ft tall Nordman Fir
  • Yes, it's a live tree...No, it isn't dropping needles or drying out.
  • Yup, listening to Christmas music.
  • I had it set up since the Monday after Thanksgiving.
  • Didn't get it decorated until Dec 18th. Yup. That's a long time. It deserves a good long run of beauty.
  • Our entire main floor got repainted.
  • Ceilings too!
  • Two weeks before Christmas
  • Etsy shop went a good kabonkery way!
  • Got ALL my shopping done on time.
  • Celebrated Bubbalu turning 5
  • Celebrated Lil Chick turning 3
  • I have a 5 and a 3 yr did THAT happen!?
  • Currently suffering the after affects of chaos: weakened immunity
  • AKA I have a bad cold
  • I got it from Bubbalu
  • Who got it from Lil Chick
  • Who got it from who knows where.
  • Maybe the grocery cart handles that she insists on licking?
  • Nah, must of caught something when she was LICKING THE BOTTOM OF HER SHOES. (insert grossed-out shudder)
  • I have more than one Christmas tree. My Dad said to me, "So, this is a three Christmas tree house?"
  • That wasn't the correct number....
  • Guess what it was!?

OK, off to make myself some hot cider and pretend to make dinner for my hardworking hubby. A Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year greeting to you all :)

Amanda - VintageDutchGirl

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Momisphere Advice Needed...

OK, so I have something gross to talk about today. You've been warned.

Yes, it involves kids.

Yes, it involves the bathroom.

Actually, strike that, it DOESN'T involve the bathroom....catch my drift?

I have a child who (shall remain anonymous. 50% chance, guess who?) decided that the bathroom was WAY too far away and the bedroom carpet was an EXCELLENT place to deposit urine. You know, don't want to walk 6 feet and use a toilet, takes way too much time away from playing. Awesome.

I need cleaning advice. I googled it, of course, and looks like I need some sort of enzymatic cleaner. It comes in powder and liquid form. Used this before?

However, where Google fails me is that I want an option to select only results from Moms. I'll call it the Momisphere. Seriously, that would be SUPER useful, agree? Only advice from fellow Mamas, not, ehow, Wikianything or shopping results for products that will clear my urine to help me pass a drug test. Really!? Dear Google, you can send my royalty check via paypal. Thankssomuch.

Mamas lemme have it, advice for cleaning DRIED (yep, didn't discover it in time) urine from carpet? I need all the help I can get!

Amanda - VintageDutchGirl

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