Showing posts with label Craftiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Craftiness. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2011

Fabric Makes My Heart Go Pitter-Patter....

Opening a box of ordered fabric always makes my heart go pitter patter!

Today I opened a delivered box and found these:


On the left is a snuggly flannel print, on the right is a lighterweight knit stripe with some shimmer in the gray area - it's beautiful!

Can't wait to run these up to the bonus room and get sewing...


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hot Fudge and My Knight in Shining Dental Loupes...

Yep, it's been quiet around this ole blog. Our annual fair is going on this week which makes the entire town go nutso for the entire seven days.

OK, not the entire town. But really, it's noticable. Especially in a town where rush hour is three cars lined up at a red light.

I'm also fighting a bad cold. No, absolutely NO nose sniffling! An immediate red flag goes up and a flashing neon sign spelling WARNING! WARNING! in bright red letters appears in my brain due to the dangerous and rapid increase in intracranial pressure.

My Knight in shining dental Loupes came home from work and whisked the children off to have dinner out and leave me to rest and relax in peace. Glorious. Wonderfully healing, I tell ya.

I miss craftin... and sewing.... and doing crazy projects that makes a huge mess but ends in something beautiful.

I blame pinterest.

Or rather, I blame my obsession with pinterest. It's too fun!

So, yes, I miss craftin. So I just hauled out all my girly bow n ribbon thingymajigs to make a requested hair clippy for a dear friends' daughter. She's a cutie patootie. My friend Trisha AND her cutie patootie daughter.

Hubby just brought me home a steak salad and lots of extra uneaten kid meal items from the restaurant (Nuthouse for you locals).

Not sure what I'm more excited about, the steak salad or the kiddie food :) Can anyone relate?

I've got a movie started on my laptop, ('New in Town'), good food, fun crafties, a hubby giving me free time and two jars of Smuckers special recipe hot fudge in the fridge (microwave, spoon, mouth. In that order).

Life is good. I'll kick this cold in NO time living like this!


p.s. Tomorrow I'll show you what the FedEx truck brought to my door today. I'm oohing and aahing in between my hacking and coughing...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Aqua Raspberry Containers...

My hubby bought a flat of local raspberries a week ago. They were SUPER delicious...of course! I live in a county that provides MORE THAN 65% of Raspberries in the United States. They know what they're doing here.

Anywho, the delicious deep red berries came in these cutie aqua containers...and due to my fondness of all things aqua and my inner Dutch, I can't bring myself to toss em:
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There MUST be a way to reuse these decorationally! Or, organizationally! (yeah, those are words).

Two found a home in my baking utensil drawer holding all those broken but needed measuring spoons. It's nice not to have them rioting in there every time I open or close the drawer.

I'm trying to dream up other ways to use em, maybe as clutter holders in my junk drawers. Or jewelry holders in my bathroom.

They make me smile. Go buy some raspberries. They are in season NOW :)


Follow VintageDutchGirl on FACEBOOK :) Cause sometimes I post on there. If I feel like it. If I'm bored...because UGH, Pinterest's servers are down again.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Framed Pink Lemonade Sunshinyness...

I'll frame just about anything.

I want it to be cute, seasonally appropriate and low cost...or even better, FREE. Cause I like free.

I pick up picture frames (glass and mat or no) at our local thrift shop a few times a month. So, that means I usually have a large stash of frames just waiting for their turn with the spray paint. Unlike the rest of the nation, it's been super rainy here this "summer" so I've not had many chances to be outside spray painting things. So sad.

However, I did manage to get one frame spray painted a nice sunny yellow. Insert a 4X6 Costco print of this summerific Pink Lemonade Recipe free printable (from Funkytime). Staple a length of knotted fabric to the back as a hanger and hang it up.Pin It

Well hello bit o summer, nice to meet you! Yes, you ARE making it seem more sunshiney in my house. And making me thirsty. For purty pink lemonade in a glass with a sugar coated rim.

Nope, it wasn't free, but does under $1.00 count as cheap n thrifty? Yup, think so.

I just love the Insta-summer-art.

OK, not instant. It took me a good month to finish this project. Because I can be extremely forgetful about a project until my hubby gives me an "um, hello, what is this yellow frame doing just sitting on a pile of books in the garage?" look. Then my memory miraculously returns.

Happy Summer y'all..


Follow VintageDutchGirl on FACEBOOK :) Cause sometimes I post on there. If I feel like it. If I'm bored...because no one is playing their words on Words With Friends.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Broken Mirror to Fake Transom...and a Doubtful TjMaxx Dude...

Awhile back while pursuing the aisles of TjMaxx I came across this:

It was in the clearance aisle....AKA Amanda's Playground.

Don't remember how much. I think $6 ish.

Brought it to the register. Dude looks at me with a "are you some kind of stupid?" look on his face and says, "uh, you DO know it's broken, right?"

I smiled, "yup!"

He raised his eyebrows, sighed and finished ringing up my purchases.

I find it strangely hilarious knowing he will forever wonder about the crazy lady who purchased a broken mirror.

Maybe he will one day come across this post.

While wearing thick work gloves I carefully took the broken mirror out and tossed it.

Spray Prime

Spray Paint

Wipe on glaze mixed with dark brown paint.

Wipe it off

Wipe it on

Wipe it off get the idea....

You end up with a nicely aged finish in the seams and edges. PERFECT.

Check it out, a fake transom above my double sliding glass door:

SO much better than a dingy gold cracked mirror:

Before n After:

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Dear Doubtful TjMaxx Dude,

Didn't see that one coming, didya?

:) Amanda

LAST DAY TO ENTER! Live in the Pacific NW? Love animals? A great family ticket pack for the Pet Expo going on July 8-10 is up for grabs! Ends TOMORROW!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Smart Organizing...

I keep searching Pinterest for smart, inventive way to organize random household stuff. Ya know, the stuff you need but have no idea how to keep it purty.

In almost all of these photos I've thought, "Der, why didn't I think of that!?"

Fight the daily paper piles:

Using hidden available spaces:

Makes SO much sense. Just not sure I want a sock bulletin board visible to all:

Lil Chick and Bubbalu would have a heyday with this one! (Picture a pile of unrolled ribbon, a pretty white plastic contained filled with empty cardboard ribbon spools and a mother plugging her ears and slowly counting to 10.)


Took this photo this morning of my linen closet:


Smart AND cute:

Once again, a heydey. But super smart:

If only I had multiple balls of twine and pretty metal funnels:

LOVE. Dad, see this? I'm certain you could build that:)

Tis true!

Anyone inspired to organize? Me too :) All images via my Pinterest Organizational Ideas Board.


P.S. The $50 giftcard giveaway for blessing Mama's and Babies is still going on! You have time to enter to win, go HERE.

Follow VintageDutchGirl on FACEBOOK :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Collage Collection....

Sandy beaches, sailboats, lobster shacks, snappy casual...Coastal Americana:

TL Anchor
TR Red Stripe
BL Teal/Red Trio
BR Sea Blue

Classic patterns. Understated elegance. Timeless style:

TL White Plaid
TR Zebra
BL Ticking Trio
BR Lace

Pretty much sums up a Pacific North West Winter, Spring and Fall:

TL Charcoal
TR Heather
BL Lavender
BR Plaid

We'll call this next set:

Go BRIGHT or go home...

TL Sassy Trio
TR Lawn
BL Fuchsia Leaves
BR Rufflyness


Yuppers, I'm on Facebook. You to? C'mon over!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tank Top Sassification Inspiration...

I have three brand new (tags still on!) ribbed tank tops waiting for my time and some sassification inspiration. They are boring and bland, just a plain heather gray, black and navy. I want to just give em a little style and interest oomph...just a notch above humdrum.

We are still setting records of temperature lows and rainfall here in the Pacific NW, but I need some sort of (looking forward to) sunny weather project. So hopefully that means I can complete a few of these by the time sunny weather arrives.

These cascading ruffle embellishments are everywhere. I'm liking the tone-on-tone look:

(Charlotte Russe)

Yes, I realize this one isn't a tank top, it's a tankini swimsuit top. Cute, huh? I'm loving the idea of an off-center knotted sash that helps cinch the smallest part of the ribcage to produce the hourglass effect:

(J. Crew)

Simple rows of casual eyelet lace let this ordinary tank become more delicate and feminine. Perfect for layering:

(J. Crew)

Simple rows of elastic thread detail give this tank a flattering pseudo v-neck:


Lastly, my fave! Just add a simple patterned bow tie to ramp up the style rating of your fave summer tank top:


Now, I just need to find a way to entertain my 2 and 4 yr old for hours on end while I play with my sewing stuff. Hmmmm, any ideas?

Hope it's sunny wherever you are!


Yuppers, VintageDutchGirl IS on Facebook!

Friday, April 29, 2011

4 Yr Old Wedding Commentary and a Prince Printable...

Awwwww. I'm watching the royal wedding with Bubbalu and Lil Chick this morning. Bubbalu thinks there are some really cool hats, Lil Chick is a little more concerned with her cereal.

Other Bubbalu Royal Wedding Commentary:

Wow, look at all of those cool hats!

I saw two little boy princes and two little girl princes!


I think that prince is me.

Are the prince and princess going to kiss?

Why are they not going to kiss up there?

Men don’t wear PINK HATS!!!

Are they going to kiss now?

Cool, which of those singing boys is me?

Are they going to kiss now?

Also, I couldn't help myself but create another printable:

I married my prince almost 11 years ago, I'm the queen of his palace, he's the king of my dreams!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pillowcase Dress Photo Shoot...

I finally got around to throwing together a cute lil pillowcase-ish style dress for my spunky Lil Chick. I had a pattern in my head and really needed to see if it would work or not. I had this bright aqua, pink and green adorable fabric found at Walmart (of all places!) and bought a good five yards or so because it just SPOKE to me.

Ever have that? I'll walk through a fabric store and hear a deafening chorus of "Pick ME!!!! Pick ME!!! Take me home! Add me to your stash! I promise I'll behave and be beautiful! You'll LOVE me!"

It's a bit overwhelming.

Anywho. Was thrilled that this was a quick project with a high cuteness factor. That fits two of the requirements to ensure a repeat of a sewing project.

Got Lil Chick, dressed her up, and asked her to just stand and smile for me:

Whoops, kinda blurry and missed the full-on grin.

How bout a close-up?

Hoo boy. Told ya she had some spunk. I think she gets it from Auntie Mimi ;)

You think you're funny, dontcha?

Her response to my "Stop picking your toes!" comment:

The teen years may be rough.

C'mon girl, PLEASE will you smile?


OK, last chance!

Close enough.

Have since made another, nautical inspired, pillowcase dress, the next one I make I'll be snapping photos for a tutorial! Go pick out some fabric that's yelling at ya...


Vintage Dutch Girl is on the BOOK of FACES.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Girly Floof and Fluff..

FINALLY got bit by the crafting bugs again.

I was thinking about my Lil Chick and there is no reason why I can't come up with some sassy head decor for her. Ya know, hair clips, headbands, the normal floof and fluff that comes with a little girl.

I'm back to rolling flowers! It's a GREAT way to use up your odds and ends just can't quite throw it out fabric stash. So far we have a mini flower garden blooming:

...yet with all those flowers I've only managed to put together ONE lil doodad for Lil Chick:

Goodness gracious, I'd better get back to it!

Sorry for the blah pics. Guess what!? It's dull and overcast and raining! I'm, like, SO surprised, like for sure!! (insert Valley Girl hair toss)


C'mon over and CHAT a bit...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sassy Aprons in the Shop....

First of all, if you are reading this in a reader, c'mon over and see my new blog outfit. I got WAY too sick of boring gray and white and needed some COLOR in my blog life. Check er out.

Alrighty, you asked for em!

First of hopefully many sassified aprons for sale in the Vintage Dutch Girl Etsy Shop:

SUPER fun to make! Not sure I'd get a lot of actual cooking done while wearing this one...probably just stand around with a wooden spoon lookin purty and eating a chocolate lava cake.

Ya know, being a good hostess and all...


***Check er out, Vintage Dutch Girl went and got a FACEBOOK page. Can you believe it!? How 2010!***

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Retro Polka Dot Apron...

I have a THING for the red and teal/aqua color combo....and I have a THING for polka dots....and I have a THING for ruffles...and I have a THING for fabric flowers...and I have a THING for retro inspired clothing.

Put all those together and you get:

Yup! Finally finished my apron that I started back on Sassy Apron Sewing Sister (errr) Day!

I am in love. I may have to wear it non stop for the next few weeks. Praise team Sunday will be interesting. Doesn't really help with the whole, "keep attention off yourself" mantra that I try to repeat when choosing my outfit on those Sundays.

But I can wear it when driving to church!

Now THESE are what I call ruffles:

Fabric flowers? Yes please:

Now, to figure out what to actually COOK for dinner while wearing my sassy retro apron...


***Facebook + VintageDutchGirl = VintageDutchGirl on Facebook***

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sassy Apron Sewing Sister (errr) Day....

My brother and sister-in-law were visiting all last week. The girls decided to get together to do a sewing project.

AKA: Sassy Apron Sewing Sister (errrr)Day! SASSeD! (thanks Amy ;)

Pretty sure the serger was smoking. Lot's of bright coordinating print fabrics and some DELISH margaritas. LOVED it. Not sure I sewed straight lines but loved it nonetheless!

So far what we've come up with is:

One sweetheart neckline mod floral print:

And one super sassy apron with fabric flower detail and tiered ruffles:

And.....that's it so far.

Of course, I have yet to finish my own apron and my Mama's, but I'm really close. Here's a teaser pic of the fabrics that I currently have piled on my sewing table:

Oh yes, there is a retro 50's theme going on!

Can't wait to show you all the finished products! Hopefully I'll escape to my sewing room for a bit today to get them completed. Once my apron is done I'll be able to flit around my kitchen cooking up a storm in my sassy apron. I'm convinced it will make my cooking taste better. Or maybe it will distract people enough they won't even be able to taste what I've made. They'll be too busy looking at the accent colored rolled edges on the ruffles to notice. My evil plan is working!(enter sinister laugh.)

What about you, would you wear a sassy apron in the kitchen?


***Facebook + VintageDutchGirl = VintageDutchGirl on Facebook. I'm a brilliant mathmetician. Oh wait, that's my Brother***

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Skidamarink De Dinky Dink, Skidamarink De Doo Printable....

Who can finish that song with me? Oh yes, growing up in the 80's had its perks. Living close enough to the Canadian border ALSO had its perks. Oh yes, Canadian television!

In case you are curious, the song 'Skidamarink' was the finale song in 1910 for the Broadway Musical "The Echo" but was made popular in the mid-80's by a Canadian childrens program called "The Elephant Show".

The middle of the song features the lyrics:

I love you in the morning and in the afternoon,
I love you in the evening and underneath the moon!

They make me smile.

So I created a printable thinking this will be fun to hang on my wall to make me smile daily. Feel free to use them to help YOU smile too :)

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Just click to enlarge and save the file on your computer. Print it out at Costco and voila! Ubercuteness...


** Click HERE to follow Vintage Dutch Girl on Facebook and get new posts in your feed **

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Two Free Paper Wreath Tutorials...

Let's all talk about some wreaths.

Some hand make paper el cheapo ones. As in, I spent nada on these. Just used stuff I already had lying around. Super thrifty decor.

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There is about eleventy hundred thousand book page wreaths out in crafty blog land rightthisverysecond and I was feeling left out and had to join in on the fun. Of course, I did it MY way. With shortcuts. Of course.

1. Grab an old book. We're going to thrash it so don't choose something important!

2. Rip ALL the pages out from the binding. I ripped the pages out in about 50 page handfuls at a time.

3. Stack them and while holding them dab and lightly paint the edges with dark brown or black craft paint and let dry. *** OR, do what I did....which was run out to the garage, hold the stack of pages in my hand and give it a 7 second shot of espresso brown spray paint. Simple and quick drying...perfect except for the large spray paint splotch on my left hand. ***

4. Go out and purchase a foam round wreath base. *** OR, do what I did...which was to eat pizza. Grab that perfectly round (if slightly smelly) cardboard pizza liner and cut a large hole out of the center with your kitchen shears. Voila. You've got a wreath base...and you get pizza. Win-win situation. ***

5. Scrunch, roll and accordian fold the pages and glue them individually to your frame, making sure to hide all evidence of frame. *** OR, do what I did....staple them in large chunks and glue gun only when necessary. Saved a TON of time.***

6. Hang on wall. Take pics and blog about it.

Easy peasy. Perfect to do while watching National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.

Next up, rolled paper wreaths. Most of the rolled paper wreaths I've been seeing are made of vintage sheet music which is cool....except I didn't have any and didn't want to purchase any. Huh, I wonder WHAT kind of paper that I can use in large quantities that I have lying around??? Oh yes of course, my Christmas wrapping paper stash.

I mean c'mon, you all know I shop at Costco. I buy a hugenormous wrapping paper roll every Christmas and use about 1/1000th of the roll. Perfect!
1. Grab wrapping paper you like.
2. Eat more pizza. OR, if you want to be more classy, use a non-pizza sauce stained piece of cardboard to trace and cut out a circle frame for your wreath.
3. Cut a thousand or so (exaggeration. I don't want nasty emails from readers complaining that I misguided them in a craft tutorial and have caused them to suffer carpal tunnel syndrome) squares of wrapping paper. I did about 12x12 ish. And I used an old dull rotary cutter to slice though the paper quickly.

4. Heat up that glue gun and start rolling, keeping the printed side of the paper on the outside. Make cones that are smaller at one end and bigger at the end. Use a tiny dot of glue so your cone doesn't unroll when you let go. Position and glue to your frame.

5. Uh, keep doing that until it's done. It looks BETTER to be unperfect and have cones that are larger and some smaller...and the pattern varying a bit.

Done! This was my first one that I hung above my slider doorframe:

Then my sis-in-law came over and we got bit by the craft bugs and came up with:

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I completely LOVE the candy cane wrapping paper. Which means this wreath is my fave too. Hang a $1 silver glittery Merry Christmas ornament in the middle and you are DONE. Hang above fireplace, stand back and enjoy.

Now, get to paper wreath creating!


P.S. For all you delightful lovelies, I have decided to have an indefinitely active Vintage Dutch Girl Etsy shop coupon code for 15% off all orders. Cause you are delightful. AND lovely. Your 15% off coupon code is: FOLLOWLOVE15 . Happy Shopping!

Joining these fab parties:
Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

The DIY Show Off

Creations by Kara

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