Showing posts with label Hmmmmmm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hmmmmmm. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dear Ms. Plaid Shirt Wearing Gal...

Dear Ms. Plaid Shirt Wearing Gal,

Whereas I am sure you are a very nice young gal, I beg you to do a final mirror check before you leave the house.


Well, I am certain my fellow Costco shoppers were equally appalled by your outfit of choice.

And though I know that the circulation and movement impairing ultra-tight short shorts are uber cool, pairing them with a long button down plaid shirt is against clothing codes.

Meaning...I couldn't see your shorts. Leading me to think that a nice young gal was walking around Costco with just a plaid shirt and flip flops on. I had to stare at you for a good minute or two before finally seeing an swatch of fabric that put my curiosity to rest.

How about a compromise? Why don't you trade in your ultra short shorts and plaid shirt and instead go for plaid Bermuda shorts and I'll stop staring at you.

I think it's an excellent idea.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Brown Zip-Up Hoodie Issues...

I have a new brown zip-up hoodie.

Hello brown zip-up hoodie, you have made my life better. I like you very much and intend to use you often. I appreciate that you didn't hit my wallet too hard and that you tend to disguise my postpartum chubs. You go with almost every clothing piece I own and you are cozy.

I enjoy wearing you with my current favorite casual outfit of a cute longer tank top, brown zip-up hoodie and jeans.


Brown zip-up hoodie, please stop leaching brown fuzz onto my bare armpits. Really now. I showered AND shaved this morning but was surprised by the pseudo dark brown armpit "hair" that stared at me as I redid my hair this evening.

And I apologize to those of you who came over this afternoon when I was sans brown hoodie. I'm certain you too were fooled by the pseudo dark brown armpit "hair". It was brown hoodies' fault. He apologized and we have reconciled our relationship.

Thank you and goodnight...


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Boppy Talk....

As a nursing Mama, my Boppy pillows are essential for comfort. Yes, pillows. I have two. I bought them off craigslist for $15 bucks prior to Bubbalu's birth and washed the snot out of them. (NO not literal snot, I'm just using it as an analogy. )

I used one in Bubbalu's nursery and kept one for use in the living room. They are also useful for propping the babes up whilst Mama showers and beautifies as demonstrated below:

This time around I was pining after the Boppy pillow that matches the crib set I picked out, as it is beautiful and wonderfully cute. (On a completely random note, I saw this Boppy in the background on an episode of 'House'. I was very excited to have identified it, but Lance failed to see the brilliance of it.)

Alas, the designer Boppy cost $49.99 and I had to give up the dream. Still, here's the pic of it so you can see what I'm talking about:

'Tis beautiful, no?

So, as I have written about before, I sewed my own 2 Boppy covers from pink and white polka dot flannel fabric I had laying around.


And yes, the new covers are holding up well and are pleasant enough to look at. Actually, they are adorable and I'm pleased as punch about them.

So I was just scanning around Walmart's baby website just playing around when I found an interesting Boppy pillow...

And I have just one question.

Will someone please tell me why this Boppy is wearing underwear?



Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's A WHAT Kind Of Dress?

Because what doesn't invoke thoughts of beauty and poise with the word 'sack' in the description of a dress:

To the Max - Women's Long-Sleeve Jersey Sack Dress:

I'm just sayin...


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Things You Learn In The Hospital...

What's wrong with this picture?

Ummmm yeah, I understand that this is a really uber adjustable labor bed and all, but really? Y'all want to take my LEGS OFF??? I see how that might make a delivery easier on everyone without those pesky legs in the way and all, but don't you think that it might be an overly drastic step? (no pun intended. Actually, strike that, yes that pun was intended. Yep, we're walking on the wild side today....ooops! Punned again! INTENTIONALLY. We're going caaraazy in the terhazzy today. Can you tell it's 6 AM and I haven't slept much? Me too. )

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