Friday, May 16, 2008

Climb Every Mountain...

Turn your back for one second and it goes from this:

to this:

We've been having LOTS of fun over here, how about you?

Been standing on your table lately?



  1. ... and now he's into EVERYTHING and couldn't be cuter! :)

  2. Looks VERY familiar!

  3. You have a very fun blog...I wandered over here from the pioneer woman website!

    I loved reading everybody's pet peeve's on that other blog also...anyway just thought I'd comment, as not to be a lurker! :)

  4. Holy cow...have I mentioned before that you and I live in the same world??

  5. No, no one on the table, but I have a really great picture in one of my scrapbooks of my DOG up on the kitchen table. He discovered the crumbs were up high and turned into a mountain goat.

  6. Hee hee, Jude and Livi can have a playdate on the tables next time ;)

  7. I had one of those -- caught him up on the table twirling the chandelier above his head. He was about 13 months old. Didn't get a picture though. When I mentioned it to someone it was implied I was remiss in my mothering. Have read your blog a few times and enjoy it.

  8. Lately we have had chair to countertop...floor to cofee table... a LOT of jumping on beds couches, etc. and he just learned to move the chair to the fridge, open said fridge and get out his own popscicle! Genius!

  9. hummm... I can say that my 19 month has so done that! He sure looks sweet doing it!

  10. Hilarious. My son never did that, but my daughter on the other hand, oh she does...

  11. Lil' Bum is into doing everything herself right now which involves small, unstable wooden chairs and makes me soooo nervous.

    Baby Bum is just now discovering that he can not only walk but he can climb.

    They are wearing me out.

  12. No, but my 2 yr old son does. And better yet, his 4 yr old sister helps him out. And then he swings the light fixture around and around and around. Great fun.

  13. Looks like our house!

  14. That looks like a very full diaper over there!

  15. Where are you????

  16. He is so cute!!!

  17. He is so cute!!!


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