Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Craigslist Is My Friend...

If you are moving, be sure to make good use of Craigslist. We are moving in less than two weeks (let the ear plugging and lalalaing commence) and were in desperate need of boxes and packing materials.

Enter Craigslist. On the advice of a fellow dental school graduate who will also be moving soon, we decided to search for free moving boxes online.

Monday morning I saw a new post for some free moving boxes and packing paper and bubble wrap. Made a quick phone call and Lance headed over to pick up some boxes. Turns out this couple had been moved by a professional moving company and had PLENTY of boxes, packing paper and bubble wrap. They even asked if they could drop more off at our house later that evening. Um, OK!

We have boxes coming out our ears, and filled the entire under-the-stairs closet full of packing paper. We also were given the appropriate boxes for dishes, glasses and cups, as well as picture frame and wardrobe boxes.

So, we are doing well in the packing department.

Guess how much it cost for all this packing gloriousness? The gas that it took to pick them up. Yep. FREE. A quick Uhaul 3 bedroom quote had us at $379.98 for boxes and packing material.

So, what has been YOUR best Craigslist score?



  1. Well, when we moved we sold our (almost worthless) furniture via Craigslist for about $250... :-)

  2. That is a great score! I haven't done the Craigslist thing yet!

  3. I am obsessed with craigslist! I have gotten and sold lots of stuff. Don't even know what my score would be. ;-)

  4. I can't believe you need that many boxes!!! How have you sucessfully moved 3 times in the last year???

  5. Nooooooo! Don't leeeeeeeeave me! Sniff, sniff. All alone. All alone in the dental wife world... OK, not quite. But I'll miss you like crazy! :( Can I be your first houseguest, maybe? Tee hee.

  6. best score- def. a fancy, FANCY baby swing for $40. It was $160 or something crazy new, but it was still brand new- best $40 I ever spent!
    Oh, and a Snugli carrier the baby loved for $10. Love Craigslist.

  7. The Hubs and I love cragislist! I have almost furnished an entire 2600 square foot home with everything off craigslist! We were just talking this afternoon that instead of a garage sale next weekend maybe we would just post stuff on craigslist instead.
    LOVE LOVE LOVE craigslist!
    Enjoyed your blog. I'll keep checking back.


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