I'll frame just about anything.
I want it to be cute, seasonally appropriate and low cost...or even better, FREE. Cause I like free.
I pick up picture frames (glass and mat or no) at our local thrift shop a few times a month. So, that means I usually have a large stash of frames just waiting for their turn with the spray paint. Unlike the rest of the nation, it's been super rainy here this "summer" so I've not had many chances to be outside spray painting things. So sad.
However, I did manage to get one frame spray painted a nice sunny yellow. Insert a 4X6 Costco print of this summerific Pink Lemonade Recipe free printable (from Funkytime). Staple a length of knotted fabric to the back as a hanger and hang it up.Pin It
Well hello bit o summer, nice to meet you! Yes, you ARE making it seem more sunshiney in my house. And making me thirsty. For purty pink lemonade in a glass with a sugar coated rim.
Well hello bit o summer, nice to meet you! Yes, you ARE making it seem more sunshiney in my house. And making me thirsty. For purty pink lemonade in a glass with a sugar coated rim.
Nope, it wasn't free, but does under $1.00 count as cheap n thrifty? Yup, think so.
I just love the Insta-summer-art.
OK, not instant. It took me a good month to finish this project. Because I can be extremely forgetful about a project until my hubby gives me an "um, hello, what is this yellow frame doing just sitting on a pile of books in the garage?" look. Then my memory miraculously returns.
Happy Summer y'all..
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