Friday, May 15, 2009

Beautification In A Bottle...

My fashionable beautifying tip of the,, year...OK, FOR LIFE:


And no, I am not proposing a lifetime membership at the tanning salon.

Tan in a bottle, spray tan or professionally applied tanner product, whatever. Just get some color to cover the winter white.

I have been using a knockoff product for the past couple of weeks with a pretty good result...just don't look too closely at my ankles or forearms. I tell ya, you need your Masters in Lotion Application to not have some sort of streak or extra "tan" in certain areas. I only attended the high school equivalent of Lotionization...which is why I have streaks, smudges and over tan ankles and forearms.

Although I have made a miraculous discovery to remedy that issue.

You know that lovely post I did a while back about the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser?

Yeah, you guessed it, it TOTALLY erased those extra pigmented over tanned streaks and marks!

And yes, I do realize that it is not an approved use of the product.

So folks, cover up the winter white with a lovely bottled tan. There's no need to freak about the application as long as you have a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser around, you're GOLDEN (pun completely intended).



  1. Best thing I've ever used: Of course I never pay full price. Look for them on ebay, amazon & a few other hidden spots for a pretty good deal.

  2. That is a HOOT! Whatever made you think of even trying Mr. Clean on your skin? I know, it comes with motherhood -- thinking outside the bottle!

  3. So I am totally in agreement with the tan thing. However I am worried about your friend Mr. Clean having skin contact with you. Be careful I know someone who got really bad burns from those. However it works for you being best friends with the bald guy may not be a bad thing:) Love your posts Amanda!!

  4. Guess what I'm doing tonight. I am so trying tan in a bottle ans will have plenty of magic eracers on hand THANKS!!!!!!

    A rockin Friday night at my house

    BOW-CHICKA-BOW-NOW!!!!! Hey maybe if it looks god that statement will have a ring of truth :o no she did not!

  5. I need to do this, but I haven't been able to justify spending the money...yet.

  6. Good idea...I'm so pasty white I will have to give that a try!

  7. so fun and funny!

    thanks for saying hi at my blog. your blog layout is very cool!


  8. You're the best. I SO need a tan too. You may not think my skin could be as white as yours, but I bet it's actually whiter =)

  9. the best faux tan is bare essentials fax tax I bought mine on QVC everyone thinks its real gotta try it I don't liketo lay out sun gives me headaches plus I don't the wrinkles;)


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