Showing posts with label Baby stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby stuff. Show all posts

Monday, June 16, 2008

Eat Your Vegetables Day

Tomorrow, June 17, is Eat Your Vegetables Day. It makes me crabby just thinking about it.


It is not because I dislike vegetables. Quite the contrary, really. There's nothing better than a steaming plate of veggies. Well, maybe chocolate. And cake. And ice cream...OK never mind.

Anyways, there is a certain little someone living in our home who hasn't voluntarily eaten a vegetable in approximately 2 months.

Yes, Bubbalu is a picky eater.

I had a whole plan to avoid the picky-eaterness that plagues some parents. I diligently fed Bubbalu homemade baby food, saving the sweeter foods for later. He happily gulped down everything I offered to him. Peas, broccoli, carrots, green beans, everything!

Now? Not so much. I have written of my frustration before, where I said that Bubbalu ate 3 peas in the past week. I should have realized then that 3 peas a week meant a GOOD week.

I've tried disguising veggies and sneaking them in with another bite of something tasty, but they always get spit out. Maybe he's getting some nutritional benefit from just sucking on them for a 1/2 second.

We are giving him vitamins and I've actually started giving him fruit and vegetable juice blends.

I know about the recently published books about hiding veggies in everyday food, but are the recipes easy? Do they really work? Or do the kids catch on?

"Uh, Mom, why does my jello taste like broccoli?."

My MIL has suggested smoothies laced with squash puree, and I have yet to try it. Mostly because I already packed my blender and food processor.

So, do any of you have any good veggie tricks and recipes for stubborn toddlers?


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Backpacking It...

In the interest of yesterday's post displaying all of my baby carriers, I figured I must also include Lance's favorite carrier of all, the Piggyback child carrier.

Surprise surprise, it comes from his other home, REI. Or, in our case, a kind neighbor who just wanted it out of her closet and willing to part with it for penny change.

It has lovely hip and back support, and is fully adjustable for height of the carrier, and the age of the child.

Awww, look at those chubby arms!!!

It also has a zip-off day pack that I usually use on our longer hikes. You can see it lying on the ground in this pic:

See? Happy baby!

We love this carrier and highly recommend it if you are a hiker with a little one running around. It has allowed us to continue hiking while Bubbalu enjoys the ride.

Here's the most recent pic of us hiking Little Mount Si :

Any of you hikers?


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Slinging it...

There is a baby carrying carnival over at Adventures In Babywearing, and to join in the fun, here is my favorite pic of Bubbalu slinging it with Mama:

I whipped that sling together in about 30 minutes. With a colicky crying baby, a sling seemed the best thing to calm him down. I'd put him in there and start doing the dishes, and soon enough he'd be in snoozeland. I wouldn't really consider myself an attatchment parent, but I sure needed to carry Bubbalu around during those difficult first 4 months.

What? You don't believe me? This is what I did for 4 months:

Well, either that or this:

Either way, I was carrying/holding him all day. It was the only way to stop the incessant crying, so that is what I did.

I also have a picture of Bubbalu in the Bjorn, which was actually used mostly by Papa...

And I'm sad to say I don't have a picture of Bubbalu in my favorite carrier of all time, the Moby wrap. It was the most comfortable carrier for me. I never had sore back or shoulders. And, the added bonus of cuddling with my non-cuddler baby.

If you used one, what was your favorite baby carrier?


Friday, May 9, 2008

Her Uterus Must Be Tired...

Yep, the Duggars are expecting their 18th child. Read more about it here.

If I was her Labor & Delivery nurse, I would be very afraid. Very afraid.


Her uterus is tired. Tired uteri don't like to work as well as they did back in the single digit pregnancies. She's at a huge risk for hemorrhage. I pray that she is just fine with this little one.

Wonder what she'll name this one?


It Has Happened...Again...

OK, I give up. I surrender. I'm done. Whatever I'm being punished for, I humbly apologize and ask for forgiveness. Just please make it stop.

Remember a few days ago when I mentioned something was up with Bubbalu and his, ah, digestive system? That he got naked and had the wet paper towel scrub down in the Barnes & Noble bathroom?


I was hanging out in the computer room, enjoying my "it's Mama's nap time bloggy freedom!" hour and heard this large boom sound. I looked out the window thinking those pesky construction guys were being loud again, trying to wake my sleeping baby. Couldn't see anything, so forgot about it. After all, I was bloggin'. Hello, priorities.

Megs came over after her OB appointment and we decided to go and get Bubbalu, who had been talking and whining in his crib for the past half hour or so. We opened his door and were blown back by the stench emitting from his room.

It's the kind of smelly bad that is actually funny. You're holding your nose saying, "that is RANK!".

So. Bubbalu had Megs said she normally would have volunteered to change his diaper (which she does with an alarming frequency) but being that I had no gloves, she politely declined. She DID hold his arms so as to not make matters worse.

I was up to my elbows in you know what. We actually snapped some shots because we knew we needed photographic evidence to support our story. I am not sure bloggyland is ready to see them yet. Also, they are still on Megs camera. Kinda makes it hard to post them.

Here's how we handled the episode:

  1. Windows WIDE open.

  2. Strip child down.

  3. Attempt to wipe off majority of filth with wipes.

  4. Dirty clothes in plastic bag and sealed to suppress stench.

  5. Diaper bomb in separate plastic bag to also suppress stench.

  6. Put child right into tub (mental note to bleach the tub down later).

  7. Scrub child head to toe.

  8. Rinse child with the shower, as tub is completely contaminated.

  9. Attempt to soothe child, who is now screaming with terror.

  10. Second mental note to rebathe child after tub is completely cleaned.

  11. Dry child.

  12. Redress child.

  13. Cuddles with Auntie Megs.

Meanwhile, Mama:

  1. Strips down entire bedding.

  2. Thinks she's got it all taken care of, but decides all animals of the stuffed variety are also RANK.

  3. Strips down the changing pad.

  4. Starts washing machine with bedding.

  5. Remembers to spray down the tub with Clorox.

  6. Wipes down the naked mattress and changing table.

  7. Bags up all soiled laundry and brings to laundry room

  8. Turns on fan, ensures window is WIDE open.

  9. Closes door.

  10. Rinses tub out and sprays it again with Clorox ('cause once ain't enough).

  11. Switches laundry over to dryer and starts a load of animals.

To be honest, I couldn't even THINK about dealing with the clothes, I kept them rotting in their little plastic bag until I had a chance to thoroughly spray, soak, bleach, and launder them.

And I am PROUD to say the white onesie (that sustained the majority of the attack) is still, in fact, white.

For the whites I used spray and wash on the obvious soilage areas, filled the washing machine with water, put the normal amount of soap in, then threw a 1/4 cup of baking soda and about a 1/2 cup of bleach in for good measure. I let it soak for a good 3 hours (a little long 'cause I forgot about it) and then restarted the machine. And Presto! they came out white. I SO rock.

I did the colors today, same story minus the bleach. Yep, all is good. I STILL rock.

I am alarmed that my blogging has taken such a fece turn lately. But hey, I'm keeping it real. You wouldn't believe me if all I wrote about was sunshine, flower petals and ladybugs.

Remember that large boom sound I heard earlier? Yep, that was the Bubbalu explosion. He is SO his father's son.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Diaper Bombs...

What is with my child lately? Is there some evil diaper bomb plan that I don't know about? Why are there two onesies soaking in a bucket in my laundry room?

Bubbalu has already had two baths today. TWO. And it's only one in the afternoon. They were both necessary my friends, necessary. I wrote earlier about the latest diaper fiasco and like I said on that post, I thought I was done with all the diaper bombs/poop up the back episodes.

Apparently not.

I do want to spare you the details so as to not frighten off the non-parents out there, but seriously, I think an orange exploded in his diaper. Not a satsuma. Not a mandarin. A LARGE orange.

It's quite amazing really. Impressive. If there was a contest, he'd win first prize. We'd have the bumper sticker, 'My child is the diaper bomb champion'. I'm SO proud.
Good thing Lance was home both 'episodes'. After the second bomb, I yelled for help, and he replied, "I'm coming in for backup!".

We are an equal opportunity diaper changing household. We are both equally disgusted and offended by diaper changing, but we both pitch in and do the job. What about your house?

Well, at least for now I have a squeaky clean kid.

Until he wakes up from his nap...


Friday, March 14, 2008

Favorite Find Friday - Infant Meds

Why? Well, I've got a sick baby over here, and it is something I can do to help him.

That, and unending cuddles, snuggles and sippy cups of juice.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Trim the fluffies...

When Bubbalu was a little baby, he had the "balding old man" hair syndrome. Kinda hilarious paired with his little man face. Not your typical gerber baby.

Here he is at 3 weeks old, 5lbs, 4 oz.

Fast forward roughly 14 months and we are finally in need of some hair snippage. Fluffy on the sides, still not too much on the top, party in the back :
Yep, we are invading Mullet-land. Scary, isn't it?

Enter the Beautificationist, our dear sister Megs. She said to come on down to the salon and would trim the fluffies for Bubbalu. And cut my hair too, but c'mon, what's more exciting? Baby's first haircut, or Mama's chopping length off and redoing layers again haircut?

First Daddy gets a cape (not like there will be that much hair cut, but ok).

Hey look at us Papa!

Bubbalu gets a baby cape (or a towel, whatever)...

Last reassurances from Papa "it's OK son, be strong"...

Um, I'm having second thoughts...

Hey! Whatcha doing? Stop touching my head!

Hmmm, this tastes interesting..

What did I say about touching my head!?!?!

OK, fine! Touch my head, see if I care...

At least my comb is nice to me...

See? Nice green comb.

I'm not having any fun here. In case anybody cares.

You have GOT to be kidding me. I am NOT getting my hair styled...

Are you spiking my hair? I didn't agree to this.

Do YOU think I look dumb? I'm not sure about this.

Thank you Auntie Meemee...

Mama kinda likes it, I think...

Hey! Lookey there, I look kinda cute!

Whew, that was exhausting. I think I need a nap.


Friday, March 7, 2008

Favorite Find Friday : Measuring Tape


I know, it sounds weird, and I WILL explain. Stick with me.

I had a baby almost 15 months ago. Is it an excuse? No. Is is a reason? YES.

My body dramatically morphed in the last 2 years. ( No, I'm not a stick thin person, so lets just call me an average pear shaped woman. ) Pre-pregnancy I was running 10 miles 3 days a week, had great tone and was overall satisfied with my body. By the end of my pre-eclampsia ridden pregnancy, I was NOT thrilled with my body. It looked so different to me that it was almost alien. Who stole my body? Where did THIS one come from?

Colic didn't exactly assist with my postpartum weight loss. I made it a point to get out and walk/run, despite Bubbalu screaming the entire time. People gave me sideways concerned looks on the trail, and I would just smile. I couldn't talk to them because my baby silencing headphones were in. What they must have thought...oh well.


Despite some infant related challenges, I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight at six months. STILL... Who stole my body? Where did THIS one come from? Those of you who have had a baby understand this. Where is my muscle tone? What is with this poochy lower stomach thing? Same weight, NOT the same size. Shifted doesn't even begin to explain it. Granted, I was still breastfeeding, and I know the body holds on to some extra poundage in interesting places because of it.

OK. So measuring tape. Thought I forgot, huh?

I have always built muscle up rather quickly and would be frustrated when the scale refused to budge after weeks of diet and exercise. I started taking my measurements about four years ago and haven't stopped. I keep a notepad (I'm not telling you where) that lists the date, current weight and current measurements.

The reason I love measuring tape? I lost 8 inches in the last month...and the scale stayed the same. Clothes fit better, and I am almost bikini ready.

How to use? Keep a running list of your measurements and check monthly or quarterly.
  • Bust
  • Under Bust
  • Waist (smallest part)
  • Belly Bulge (hehehe, that's for postpartum only )
  • Hips/Behind (largest part)
  • Under Behind
  • Upper leg/Thigh (largest part)
  • Above Knee
  • Calf (largest part)
  • Upper arm
  • Forearm
No, I don't look the same as I did before pregnancy, but that's ok.

I paid a small price for a huge blessing.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Lofty Nutritional Goals

I have been one of those Mama's who vowed nutritional perfection for her offspring.

Have been. Past tense. As in NOT PRESENT tense.

Sure I was the devoted breastfeeding, home babyfood makin' Mama. I fully intend to do the same for future kiddos as well.

Today for lunch? Bubbalu snorfed down a whole packet of Easy Mac.

That's right. I admit it openly, Easy Mac. I luv this stuff. It is yummy, easy to make, and did I mention the cheese? Why does it taste so much better than the now outdated box with cheese powder packet? I cannot describe the allure of Easy Mac with enough kind words.

Bubbalu has become increasingly picky with his food. From what I read and have been told, it is perfectly normal for a 14 month old to do this.

Bubbalu had some catching up to do his first year of life. Being born extra small and coming home tipping the scales at 5 lbs meant a LOT of catch-up. He ate with a vigor I though not possible for such a tiny human. Holding him off on solids until 6 months was NOT easy. Still, I prevailed, and on his 6 month old b-day, rice cereal was offered. It was a hit. His look seemed to say, "Mama!? What IS this stuff? GIVE ME MORE." He ate most things I offered gladly, yet stayed at less than 10% (and sometimes 5%) body weight. At about a year he sailed to 45% and the parents rejoiced. He's normal. He's nourished. His brain is growing. We should get a medal.

Fast forward a month. Yes, staying at the 40ish % and eating picky. Hard to get used to.

I have to wonder: is it strange that my child has only eaten a total of 3 peas in the last week to satisfy his veggie quota? The fruit quota is met with applesauce and maybe the juice that was on the cut up mandarin slices that were spit out. And those dehydrated "toddler friendly" fruit in that baby isle? The look Grandma got from Bubbalu was, "lady, you have GOT to be kidding me".

My child ate Easy Mac for lunch. Spit out one dehydrated fruit morsel and sucked down some whole milk.

Alrightly then.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Don't Want No Bling....

When you leave your child to roam around and you hear nothing...time to panic.

Just a word to the wise, you should hear SOMETHING. Rustling, sounds of exclamation over discoveries, things falling or being pulled off a shelf, coughing or gagging, whatever! Just make sure you start running if all is quiet with a 14 month old in the house (except if it is naptime, then leave them alone! ).

I was sitting here at the computer a couple of days ago, when I heard _______ . Yeah, nothing. I went in search of my Bubbalu and found him in the floor of my bedroom. He was chewing on something and playing in my jewelry case. I ran to him and finger swept his mouth revealing:

  • 2 lapel pins without backs (revealing the pokey part that can punch through a thick coat)

  • 1 ring

  • 1 necklace charm


Ok, so if he wants to chew on stuff, ok. But goodness gracious child, pace yourself!

That's not the scary part. ( Although my heart was beating about 50 - 60 extra beats per minute.)

The scary part is I don't remember what was in the jewelry box case that he had gotten into. It was mostly stuff I don't wear frequently.

So, we are checking for bling in the diapers....lots of fun here.

And if I do find anything in there?

All together now, can you say "craigslist"?


Friday, February 22, 2008

Throwing His Weight Around...

Mama? Did I eat too much for dinner yesterday?

No Bubbalu, you didn't, and you are perfect just the way you are.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Jude and I go on a daily (tire out the baby before he naps) walk around our apartment complex. He knows we're going outside when I pull out his socks, shoes, hat and coat. He sits patiently waiting for his socks and shoes to go on, helps me with his coat, and tolerates his hat. He runs to the door while I get my keys ready to lock it, for he takes off running as soon as the door opens.

He runs right to this big tree outside our apartment.
He says "teeees" and pats it and feels the bark.

Sometimes he plays peekaboo with me.

See the white adirondack chair? More to come on that subject later.

Look Mama, an airplane!

(Mama's thinking about dirty jeans and muddy shoes right now.)

Ooh, MORE teeees!

Here I go! Catch me Mama!

Here's to a LOOONG nap.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dirt, Toes & Shiny Clean Buns

Jude has had some milestone firsts lately.

A few days ago he ate his first handful of dirt. Not just any dirt, but potting soil. Seems my child has refined taste. He wasn't too thrilled to have it in his mouth though. Showing real signs of intelligence that one.

Jude is also growing quite tall. He can now reach doorknobs by standing on his tiptoes, and even is starting to try and turn the knob. Not good. Good thing we have a deadbolt on the front door. At least until he can reach that one. thing we have a chain on the front door. He shouldn't reach THAT for 10 more years.

Along the line of toes, he has discovered that he can see them at the edge of his high chair. He holds his feet up and wiggles his toes, just to look at em. He points at them with an astonished look on his face, "look Mom, see what I can do?"

He also had his first shower. I never thought about giving him a quick wash in the shower, but we have found it works rather nicely. Jude had an interesting diaper lately, and Lance was already taking a shower. So, we tag teamed: Lance held Jude, I did the soap n' scrub, a quick rinse and good to go. Shiny clean buns. Jude kept trying to eat the water spray. Once again, superior intelligence.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I Wonder as I Wander

Jude is in bed sleeping right now. Ok, not really sleeping, he is actually talking to himself and playing with his ocean wonders crib toy.

That toy is amazing. It soothes with lights, bubbles, swimming fish and lullabies for him to put on and fall back asleep to. It buys me time from 6:45 to 7:30 in the morning to snooze. More sleep? Oh yes, more sleep. What's not to like?

I was given it as a gift from a fellow Mama friend when Jude was a newborn and didn't see the brilliance of it until the last six months or so.

See? Smiley happy baby. Well, that's not MY baby, but still, he's happy right? That picture shows the one we have, but I know the current model has upgrades and such. A hand probably reaches out and soothes the child back to sleep or something useful like that.

Jude uses it as a soother in the middle of the night. Every once in a while I will hear the music start at 1 AM. I've peeked at him, and he lays right under it and watches it and falls back asleep.

I was thrifting with my Mom and managed to find the exact model for just $3.00. We took it home, Cloroxed the snot out of it and popped in new batteries. Oh yes, sleep at Grandma's house with comfort and familiarity!

Sleeping baby = sleeping Mama , nuf said.

p.s. ( now he's asleep )

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Chubby Little Fingers

I was sitting at the table this morning drinking my coffee and reading a magazine. Jude was sitting on the couch. I looked up and saw him with his books, "reading" them and pointing to things on the page just as I use his fingers to point to pictures in his books. He wasn't doing that yesterday! He is learning SO fast. Nevermind that the books are upside down :)

Precious chubby little fingers pointing at pictures may seem mundane to most, but it is beautiful to this Mama.

His shirt says 'BEING CUTE IS A FULL TIME JOB' . I must say I agree with the saying. It is hard to look good. He manages to pull it off rather easily though (and I am NOT biased).


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Oh the Joys of Motherhood...

A couple of days ago, I read this post at DiaperDiaries. Made me remember the episode of my thus-far most embarrassing moment as a parent.

When we were on Lance's Dental Pediatric rotation Karlyn was kind enough to offer to babysit for us. Jude was 9 months old and we needed some couple time. We went out for dinner and a movie and came home to find out Jude had, well, contaminated the tub during his bath! Agh!

How embarrasing! Karlyn was so nice about it all, and she cleaned up too! WOW. I was quite impressed but still embarrassed.

As if I actually have control over my son'

Anyways, after reading the above mentioned post, I went to give Jude a bath. Do I even have to say what happened?

All I can say is that the evening included some Clorox....


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Stroller Etiquette

Ok, I do admit I have a rather large-ish baby stroller. And yes, it is an SUV type stroller designed for long distance running and comfort for the baby. I LOVE it and am happy with my purchase.

Curious which one we have?

Isn't it a beaut?

Well, we went out to dinner last night and the seating hostess said, "you can't take that with you, you'll have to leave it in the front". Being that this restaurant entrance is a busy mall walkway, I balked. I said that no, I didn't want to because it was expensive and could fold up nicely and fit on a booth chair or under an unused chair (big booths and 6 seater tables abounded in this place), being that it was only 2 adults and an infant high chair. She insisted that there just was not room. I held my ground, and we were brought to a back booth with ample space for our stroller and a high chair for the little one.

What was the big fuss? It was a Thursday evening, not Friday, Saturday, or a big go out for dinner holiday like Valentine's Day. Am I just a paranoid small-town gal living in the big scary city or is my concern valid?


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