Showing posts with label If Mama Ain't Happy.... Show all posts
Showing posts with label If Mama Ain't Happy.... Show all posts

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Needed: Advice On Traveling With Kids...

Oh my lands, are we completely nuts?

I've just booked the flights and condo reservation for our very first voluntary destination family trip. That'd be my husband and I...and our 3 yr old and a 19 month old.

Are we completely nuts?

Yup, but we are bound and determined to have a grand ole time making memories as a family of four. We're going somewhere sunny so I'm hoping for days playing in the pool and catching rays, early bedtimes for the kidlets and take-out 'n DVD date nights with the hubby. There are also a few family and friends we will also hopefully see and maybe maybe I'll get some shopping in!? One can only hope.

SO, being that this will be the very first time our kids are on an airplane....I need your help. Your advice. Your warnings.

So lay it on me folks. Please give me some practical advice on flying with young kids...


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bubbalu's Morning...

I've had a busy morning so far.

I started out with some fun coloring and decided that coloring on paper was for babies and decided instead to color ON babies. And myself. That's much more fun:

( I don't think Lil Chick appreciated my artwork very much.)

Then I moved on to some lovely crayon scribbling on the glass slider door which Mommy made me scrub off:

(see my drawing on my face? I like it a lot.)

But that was boring so I started shredding the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser pad. Why not? It was fun:

Then Mommy went away for a few minutes to count to ten or something silly like that and I found this itty bitty bottle of fun white powdery stuff that smelled like babies...which Mommy AGAIN made me clean up:

She's such a party pooper.

And right this very moment I'm in my bedroom having a quiet time. Except I'm not being quiet...because that is NO fun. No fun at all...


**Didja know you can find me HERE on Facebook? True story. Become a fan (or like) and get the latest Vintage Dutch Girl posts in your news feed. Oh, and it'll make my day! **

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I Need A Clone...


One Amanda Clone. Preferably one who loves to clean the house, discipline the children and maintain a modicum of order and sensibility. Needs to be subject to #1 Amanda's wishes and commands. Needs to be willing to play the "spaceship" game with Bubbalu and must display a thorough knowledge of sharpie removal tactics. Those frightened by loud noises or easily overwhelmed need not apply.

Does this little angel scare you?

Please don't apply.

Does this well-mannered child make you cringe?

Please don't apply.

All those left, please call 1-800-Mama-needs-a-clone...


**Didja know you can find me HERE on Facebook? True story. Become a fan (or like) and get the latest Vintage Dutch Girl posts in your news feed. Oh, and it'll make my day! **

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Crafting Feeds My Soul...

The last three weeks in May were crazyness in our house. Bubbalu had a bad reaction to his anti-allergy medication and made him kinda crazy. OK, more than just kinda crazy. Most of you already know how mischievous my Bubbalu can be. He took it to whole new level. Which in turn makes Mama crazy. You know how it goes.

Finally figured out what was going on and my normal mischievous level little Bubbalu is back!

(Big breath.)

I also had coffee with an amazing mentor Mama who said to me , "Amanda, have you been doing any crafting the last few weeks?"

Uh. No.

"Honey, you NEED to be creating. It's what you do for YOU."


I'm one of those Just finish your work and THEN you can play kinda people. Worked great when I had, you know, a REAL job. However, when anyone asks me if I'm working I always say, "Why yes, I do work, harder than I've ever worked in my life. I'm a Mom". Problem is, my job IS NEVER DONE. Are you a Mom? Is YOUR job ever done? Nope.

There is always something to be done and I feel guilty indulging in my crafting/sewing/creating time.

But I was unhappy.

So, I made a choice. I chose to leave dishes out, laundry unfolded, papers left on the counter and bathrooms still needing a scrubbing and ran for the craft room.

My mentor Mama was right. Crafting feeds my soul. It always has. I've been gluing, cutting, sewing, crocheting, stitching, painting, drawing or designing my entire life. Just ask my Mom. It drove her crazy at times! Love you Mom. Thanks for putting up with me :)

I picked up my scissors, plugged in the glue gun and turned my sewing machine on. It's been GREAT to be back. I'm working on some super girly, bright, fun, polka dotty and ruffly accessories. They'll be in the Etsy shop soon.

So, what do you do for YOUR me time? Is it crafting and creating like me? Reading a book? Taking a nap? Exercise? Eating? (Oh wait, maybe that's just me. Yep, right next to my sewing machine you will find a red Fiesta Ware ramekin that is always full of Costco's Ambrosia Chocolate chips. You know. Just in case of a chocoholic attack.)

Seriously though, I'm curious what other Mama's do for their ME time.

Spill it...


** Didja know you can find me HERE on Facebook? True story. Become a fan (or like) and see the latest Vintage Dutch Girl posts in your news feed. Oh, and it'll make my day! **

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Me Loves the Toddler Food...

It doesn't matter how old I am...I will always love toddler food.

Macaroni and cheese?


Tall glass of ice-cold chocolate milk?


Peanut butter and jelly sandwich?


Chocolate pudding snack pac?

Hand it over!!

How sad is it when you get a little too excited that the littles didn't finish all their lunch and you need to help finish it?

That'd be me.

May explain the residual post baby...uh...ISSUES that I have. And yes, as I have explained before, I am claiming the "I just had a baby" excuse for five years. FIVE.

Sounds reasonable to me...


** Didja know you can find me HERE on Facebook? True story. Become a fan (or like) and see the latest Vintage Dutch Girl posts in your news feed. Oh, and it'll make my day! **

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Special Custom Costco Cart...

Dear Costco,

In addition to the drive thru that you will install for me, your #1 Customer, I have another request.

I would like to request a special custom cart saved just for me and a select group of my friends who make the list. (Am currently compiling the list and will deliver it to you upon completion of my request).

My Special Custom Costco Cart must include:

1. A plexiglass divider between the two seats in the front of the cart. It must be at least 4 feet tall so a certain 3 yr old cannot reach over to pummel his 1 yr old sister.

2. A plexiglass kick plate on the front under the shopping cart handle that extends down a good 3 feet or so to protect my legs and stomach from being kicked by aforementioned 3 yr old.

3. Why don't we just go and enclose the entire child-holding part of the cart while we're at it. Please let it be completely soundproof as to mute the sounds that comes out of my 1 yr old when she opens her mouth. (Lil Chick screamed so loud today in Costco that the elderly woman in front of me jumped clear out of her orthopedic shoes. Then she glared at me. Right before Bubbalu threw my Costco coupon book at her. Lovely. Mother of the year.)

4. I NEED a cup holder. And maybe you could make it keep my hot mochas hot and the frozen ones cold. Why don't you just put two or three of those hot/cold cup holders on there while we're at it so I can sip one while I shop and keep one or two more the appropriate temperature so when I arrive at my Sister's house they will be the perfect temperature for an hour long impromptu chat/playtime.

5. I could use a small mirror so I can fix my hair that gets hopelessly disheveled when I walk through the wind tunnel at the entrance to the store.

6. A receipt holder clip on the side of the plexiglass child enclosement so that the receipt isn't in a sweaty crumpled mess in my fist by the time I get to the sharpie wielding checkers at the exit.

7. A map of the store complete with current location of the Starbucks Frapps and Tostito's queso cheese. Yes, I could NOT find the queso cheese today. Very disturbing.

8. A priority checkout pass. Ya know, because I'm your #1 Customer and all.

Except for your Kirkland Signature Macaroni and Cheese. You missed the mark on that one.

Please let me know when my cart will be ready. I'll be waiting.

Yours truly,


** Didja know you can find me HERE on Facebook? True story. Become a fan (or like) and see the latest Vintage Dutch Girl posts in your news feed. Oh, and it'll make my day! **

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Flute Got Flushed...

I was all excited last week to give the kids a toy flute and harmonica to play with. After all, we are excellent parents providing our offspring with creative, mind enriching toys.

That flute was LOUD. VERY LOUD. It kept getting "lost" on top of the piano and on the highest shelf in the cupboard. Sad, very sad.

However, Bubbalu kept finding it and playing with it. And yes, the flute did get flushed down the toilet last week. It wasn't the ENTIRE flute, just a four inch mouthpiece that makes the remaining pieces of the flute...well...NOT like a flute.

More like a blue stick with holes in it.

And guess what?

It's a Mute Flute.

Yep, completely quiet. He can try and try to make it whistle, but nope, that thing is mute.

And I'm not ONE bit sad about it.

Fast forward a few days to 9:30 pm Saturday night. I'm busily scrubbing down the bathrooms in anticipation of hosting a family BBQ right after church Sunday morning. (What?!? Doesn't EVERYONE scrub their bathrooms at 9:30 on Saturday night? SUCH a life of luxury I lead...)

Scrub the toilet and flip the flush lever. And the toilet is hardly draining. It SLOOOWWWLLLLY finishes flushing and I remember that stupid flute mouthpiece.


Which leads to a 9:35 PM Saturday night phone call to my dad, "Uh, Dad, how do you take apart a toilet?"

And what does he say? "I'll be over in five."

Awww, thanks Dad!

Mom came along to witness the fun and helped me finish scrubbing the house. After we made a much needed Dairy Queen run for refreshments we reviewed the pics I'd snapped of the Toilet Flute Incident of 2010:

Dad pointing to the place where they found the flute mouthpiece:

And we've sealed our Classiest Neighbors on the Block status by using our FRONT LAWN as a toilet hosing out location:

Extra fertilizer, right?

I'm just glad it was dark:

After the whole thing was over my husband says to me, "Do you have ANY idea how disgusting it is to pick up poo with your hand?"


Did you REALLY just ask me that?

A. You got to wear gloves when you cleaned up poo

B. You got to haul the whole thing out the front door and hose it off. Can't really do that with the kids. Well, I COULD, but that's a little harsh.

C. I'm a Mama with two kids under 3, so yes, I DO KNOW what it's like to clean up poo with my hand...and it happens on an alarmingly frequent basis.

But, I've gotta give him props, he fixed our toilet!

I'm watching Bubbalu like a hawk around the toilet. Especially if he's been playing with musical instruments. I REALLY don't want to have to call my Dad at 9:30 at night explaining that his grandson flushed the harmonica, bongo drum AND maracas down the crapper...


** Didja know you can find me HERE on Facebook? True story. Become a fan (or like) and see the latest Vintage Dutch Girl posts in your news feed. Oh, and it'll make my day! **

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Plunger and I Are Going to Be VERY Good Friends...

No no, not because I have malfunctioning bowels. Besides, do you really think I'd BLOG about having intestinal issues? Goodness gracious. That's just disgusting.


Destructo Boy has been VERY busy this week.

That, combined with Lil Chick's new found love of dancing on top of the dining room table while screeching her little lungs out has greatly affected my frequency of blogging.

Oh, you noticed I've been a bit absent?

I'd love to stay and chat but I've got to go and figure out how to get a flushed blue flute mouthpiece out of the toilet.

I'm going to hope that the plunger works some miracle flush-reversal for me.

But you can bet on one thing: If I DO manage to unflush that flute mouthpiece you won't catch ME playing that flute EVER AGAIN.


Also, I need to pick the remainder of my wall decal off the wall. And yes, that'd be because Destructo Boy thought it would be fun to peel a few necessary pieces off first.

Come to think of it, I haven't found all the parts he peeled off the wall. Wonder if he flushed them too?

Off to plunge...


*Didja know you can find me HERE on Facebook? True story. Become a fan (or like) and see the latest Vintage Dutch Girl posts in your news feed. Oh, and it'll make my day :) **

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our New Rule...

We have a new rule in our house. A rule that needs to be repeatedly shouted, oh, about 19 thousand times a day. Our new rule is:


For some unknown reason (other than the fact that he is a BOY and is feeling quite sick of being cooped up inside all the time), Bubbalu is having a REALLY hard time following this new rule.

Poor Lil Chick. I'll hear a muffled squeak, groan and cry coming from somewhere in the house and I freeze, try to determine the direction from which the muffled sounds are coming from, and sprint to her rescue while screaming our new rule at the top of my lungs.

I try to throw in various decibels and tones to keep Bubbalu on his toes. Also, in an effort to increase the effectiveness of the reminder I put emphasis on different words in the rule each time I yell lovingly and gently say it:






Sometimes, I even pull out the Emphasize The Entire Rule strategy:


But that one's saved for dire emergencies. For example: When I hear only a teeny tiny squeak and then.....SILENCE. Yep, that's when the Emphasize The Entire Rule strategy works wonders.

Followed up by a reciting of Bubbalu's entire given name with reminders as to what toys and privileges he holds dear and what may happen to those toys and privileges should he fail to acknowledge and obey the aforementioned rule.

I did say she'd have to be a tough, feisty girl. What with FIVE boy cousins and, ya know, a professional BABYSITTER for a brother.

Yeesh, it's been one of those days...


***Didja know you can find me HERE on facebook? True story. Become a fan and see the latest Vintage Dutch Girl posts in your news feed. Oh, and it'll make my day :) ***

Monday, March 1, 2010

Naptime Piles...

SCENE: Post afternoon "naptime". Mother traipses up the stairs and into her son's room to discover a problem, and proceeds to confront him regarding the problem.


Mama (angry look on face), "Uh Bubbalu? WHAT. IS. THAT?!?!"

Bubbalu (matter of factly) , "It's a shirt, Mommy."

(Mama rolls eyes)

Mama, "Yeah, I KNOW it's a shirt, but what is everything else on the floor?"

(Bubbalu looks down at the problem)

Bubbalu (once again matter of factly), "Those are ALL of my clothes, Mommy."

Mama (growing in exasperation), "I KNOW those are all of your clothes, but WHAT are they doing ALL OVER THE FLOOR?"

Bubbalu (with a "well DUH Mama" expression), "I made a pile of my clothes, Mommy".

(Mama once again rolls her eyes.)

SCENE closes with son picking up clothing and Mother supervising.

Moral of the story: If you take all of your son's toys and books out of his bedroom to encourage resting during naptime, he WILL find SOMETHING to play with.


Thursday, February 18, 2010


I did some painting therapy this past weekend.

No, not interpretive painting or painting my feelings. Goodness gracious what would THAT look like? Can't even go there.


I finally FINALLY painted my master bedroom.

Our new construction house was painted decorator chosen custom colors before we purchased it. Better than stark white, that's for sure.

However, the reddish brown color painted on the window wall in the master bedroom was NOT my fave. Actually, I hated it. I LOVE me some red. I LOVE me some brown. Don't mix em together. Chocolate brown looked yucky with it. Red looked yucky with it. Finally I just gave up.

Until last weekend.

Husband rolled his eyes when he saw me get all twitchy and demanded a child-free afternoon to paint our bedroom. But he indulged me, and having finally chosen my scheme of sorts I rid myself of the reddish brown wall.

I chose a new color as an accent wall and I. LOVE. IT.


Here's the thing. I'm not quite done with the room, but let's have a guessing game of sorts while we all wait for the unveiling.

The accent wall paint color is called: Intense Marathon.

So, what do YOU think that color is???

Start guessing!


p.s. This contest with no prize is NOT OPEN to Megs, Laura, Joanie, Mom VG, Mom B or my hunny...or Bubbalu. Got it?

p.p.s. And don't even THINK about Googleing it. It doesn't even come up anyways. Cheaters.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Slacker Window Washing Woman...

It is a uncharacteristically gorgeous day over here at the Vintage Dutch Girl homestead. Beautiful sun shining through my smudged, speckled and fingerprinted windows.

Speaking of windows, I need some help.

I have ginormous windows. So ginormous, in fact, that I have (choose) to custom make all my curtains because this lady isn't shelling out $200+ PER PANEL for extra long and extra wide curtains. Especially when this lady knows how to make her own for a significantly lower amount.

These ginormous windows of ours get dirty...FAST. Smudges, speckles, fingerprints and the leftover residue from using a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to scrub sharpie off the window. I am NOT like my neighbor lady who washes her windows on a weekly basis. Her OUTSIDE GARAGE windows.

Yeah, I know. WEEKLY. I wonder if she's bored? Or maybe she has some serious obsessive compulsive tendencies with cleaning. If so, maybe I should invite her over. We could have some serious cleaning therapy going on over here. And ya know what? I wouldn't even charge for her therapy because I'm nice like that.

I've heard that using vinegar is the best (and cheapest! You know me, I like a good deal. What can I say? I'm a penny-pinching dutch girl. ) window cleaning method. I've also seen some window washing "recipes" that also advise using a drop or two of liquid detergent in your vinegar/water mixture.

So interpeeps, what do you recommend? Do you follow a specific ratio mix for your window washing? Do you use a spray bottle with your mixture? A bucket full of the mix and use one wet rag to clean and one ray to dry?

Seriously, help a girl out...


Friday, January 15, 2010

Destructo Boy Makes His THIRD Appearance...

(Written last night)

Completion of dinner preparation thwarted by toddler (soon to be officially renamed Destructo Boy) performing a tagging of the house with a foolishly unguarded glue stick. At least it wasn't a sharpie this time around.

He hit the dining room, stairs and stairwell and once again, the office. What is WITH the office that is so enticing to him? At least he left the computer screen alone this time.

Funny thing was, I was listening to Duffy's song. 'Mercy'

"I'm begging you for Mercy! Why don't you release me? You got me beggin, You got me beggin, You got me beggin! For Mercy!"

Yeah, I'd say that's pretty applicable for how I'm feeling right about now.

C'mon Bubbalu. Give Mama a break, huh?


Thursday, January 14, 2010

At Least I Can Cross "Eat Some Chocolate" Off My List...

Things I should be doing instead of trying to nap in Bubbalu's bed while he pretends to rest with me:

- Put the folded, then un-folded by Lil Chick, then refolded by Mama laundry piles of clothes away.

- Unload and reload the dishwasher. Pretty sure I have another complete load of dishes on the counter.

- Put my makeup on and do my hair. It IS 3:30 in the afternoon. You'd think by now I'd have gotten my war paint on and tamed my tresses for the day. After all, I don't want to scare anybody if they come to my door.

- Get something ready for dinner since we ARE having our bro and sis in law over. However, they are relaxed and unpretentious. Spaghetti it will be.

- Change out of my morning walk clothing. Because it IS 3:30 in the afternoon.

- Taking the recycle out from under the sink and bringing it out to the garage. ( So am I the only one who shoves and wedges the recycle stuff in the recycle carton located under the sink until the sink is about to pop from it's place and get stuck into the ceiling? The next person to open the cupboard gets plastic tubs, newspaper ads and glass jars spewed at them. Then, when I can't fit any more under there I start piling it on the counter. Why why WHY can't I just take it the extra twenty or so more odd steps out to the garage? Because I'm a dork, that's why.)

- Start the NEXT round of laundry. It never ends.

- Put the Ambrosia 10lb Chocolate chip bag away. Ya know, hide the evidence.

- Vacuum. Either that, or get a dog specifically trained to eat all of Lil Chick's mealtime contributions to my floor. That dog also has to be completely potty trained, take the recycle out, be able to efficiently unload and reload the dishwasher and put folded, unfolded, then refolded piles of laundry away.

- Post about Bubbalu's and Lil Chick's birthday parties. I did promise to do that after all. Something about cake, a tutu, and dimples, remember? Yeah, I didn't forget. I'll get to it. Sometime. Eventually....maybe.

- Take pictures, crop, recrop and upload them and list new spring flower pins to the Vintage Dutch Girl Etsy shop. SUPER cute new colors, just can't get up the gumption to do it yet.

- Make amends with my serger. The first time around I broke a needle and has to figure out how to replace that WHILE rethreading all four threads. My brain almost stopped working.

- Complete the Sharpie clean up.

- Dole out and frame the pics I got of the kiddos in November. They are super cute pics, I should SHOW THEM.

- Stretch. The power pump and body blast classes I'm taking at the gym are working, but they produce some major muscle "issues".

Ah well, some days are productive, some days aren't. Today I hung out with my Bubbalu and Lil Chick and ate some chocolate.

And that's just fine by me...


*** Make my day and become a fan on the Vintage Dutch Girl Facebook Fan page found HERE ***

Monday, January 11, 2010

Destructo Boy Strikes Again...

On Saturday mornings we try to sleep in.

Usually this means we get up at 6:45 instead of 6:40.

Our 34.2 lb "alarm clock" usually wakes us up.

Last Saturday our alarm clock woke up at SIX.

Um, NO. Back to bed you go.

Bubbalu wasn't too thrilled at being put back to bed and wandered downstairs whilst Mama and Papa tried to sleep in.

I was dozing and could hear him rummaging around with his train set. After a good while it got quiet.


The TOO QUIET is NEVER good with young children.

It's the TOO QUIET that makes you sprint down the stairs to find out what's going on.

This time the TOO QUIET was:



and (look closely, window AND windowsil) :

and more window and windowsil:



Oh yeah, and I forgot, the pièce de résistance:

Kinda ironic that I'm googling "how to remove sharpie" and reading the hints and tips THROUGH a sharpie scrawled screen.

Surprisingly, the computer screen was the easiest thing to clean. How I did it? A pencil eraser. It erased the sharpie RIGHT OFF. I was astounded, but very relieved that my computer screen wasn't permanently damaged. Oh, and when I picked up my camera to take a picture of the sharpie-marked room and turned it on, sure enough, he'd gotten the back display too. Pencil eraser once again to the rescue.

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser got most of the sharpie off the computer, mouse, printer, exersaucer (didn't take a picture of those) , camera, window and windowsil. If you remember, this isn't the first time Bubbalu has marked the windowsil.

No, I never did get around the sanding it down and refinishing it the first time around. Good thing because I would have been that much more if that's even possible.

Took me only an hour to laugh about it all. Lance smiled right away.

It was one of those JUST CHOOSE JOY moments. This time it took me an hour. I'm working on shortening the time distance between THE EVENT to THE JOY.

I think this may be a life-long journey, this CHOOSING JOY business...


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

All I Ask For Is a Sassy Calender...

Dear Costco,

I must say I am disgruntled and disappointed at the 2010 calender selection provided at your local warehouse. I was unable to find one to suit my taste as you are no longer carrying the calender style I have purchased for the last...oh...FIVE years or so. Why aren't you carrying the Mary Engelbreight calender this year? Did you say something to tick her off?

In desperation, (after all, it WAS January 4th already) I purchased the scenic Washington calender. Not that I don't love scenery, I'm just not a fan of scenic picture calenders. I also don't like cat or dog calenders or the top 12 wild game kills in Washington calender.

Today my Mother informed me she has purchased an adorable and SASSY calender that far outshines my scenic Washington calender. She said it was even advertised as being a SASSY calender. They were pretty much thinking of me when they designed it, I'm sure.

What really frustrates me is that she paid $0.49 less than I did for the aforementioned sassy calender that she has in her possession.

Costco, dear Costco, you really bit the big one on calenders this year.

Good thing you redeem yourself with your $1.09 Mocha. Goodness gracious, I'd forgive A LOT worse than shoddy calender selection for a $1.09 Mocha. For example: One day I asked my husband to pick up romaine lettuce from our local warehouse and he said they were ALL OUT of romaine. I about fainted right then and there. Good thing I had a $1.09 Mocha to revive myself with.

Costco, we're still friends. I'm still your biggest fan. Our house is still a product promoting Kirkland Signature billboard.

Let's just do better with your calender selection for 2011, M'kay? Maybe consider carrying a sassy calender for your #1 fan.

Come December I'll be on the lookout, Mocha in hand.

With deepest regard and affection,


*** Make my day and become a fan on the Vintage Dutch Girl Facebook Fan page found HERE ***

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Crabbiest Human In the Universe Makes a Choice...

(written Tuesday afternoon)

Today I might possibly be the crabbiest human on the face of planet earth.

OK, maybe the crabbiest human in the universe.

Yeah, that about sums it up.

So why why WHY would Bubbalu choose this day to break his own "see how many forbidden things I can get into and destroy/maim/render useless/deface/shred/combust" record?

Methinks it may have something to do with the 4:30 wake-up. He stealthily crept into our bedroom and from 3 inches away stared at my face until I startled awake.

"Mommy, I has to go potty".

On one hand, hip hip hurray to Bubbalu for staying dry all night long as a JUST turned 3 yr old. On the other hand, Bubbalu has a hard time going to the potty by himself and needs Mama (*AHEM* or PAPA...) assistance.

As a parent, some days are SO frustrating and mind-numbingly exasperating that you just HAVE to make a choice to choose joy. You can choose to completely lose it, or you can smile, laugh and go about your day.

Today, Bubbalu has been very...uh...inventive in his creativity and pursuit for knowledge and the inner workings of, well, EVERYTHING.

Near the end of this trying day, Bubbalu cajoled Lil Chick to once again climb the stairs and go and play in Mommy and Daddy's bedroom. Normally this is just fine as I have a strategically placed basket of books, dolls and cars for them to play with instead of wreaking havoc. I was downstairs in the laundry room, and having a dryer that isn't QUIET covers up the kids being TOO QUIET.

You know, the TOO QUIET that causes you to run. No, SPRINT.

I was just thinking to myself, "Hmmm, wonder what they're up to?" and heard a loud THUMP. Then a few more. THUMP thump THUMP.

What in the world are they up to!?

Raced upstairs to find that Bubbalu had located Mama's Christmas wrapping paper stash hidden under the a huge plastic under the bed type storage bin.

How how HOW he managed to pull it out (it is HEAVY - remember, I shop at Costco. Costco has AWESOME wrapping paper. True to their norm, you get a LOT of wrapping paper per roll. Each weigh a TON...and I had at least four of those in there as well as numerous other paper rolls), unlatch both handles and get the double sided lid off is a mystery to me.

Then he must have decided that since it was hidden under the bed, put away neatly and clearly MEANT for him, he started to investigate.

Really now, it wasn't that bad. From my view into our bedroom I just had to take a deep breath and just choose joy. Choose to smile and not to scream.

Then I followed a paper trail into our master bathroom.

And again had to CHOOSE JOY...after gasping out loud, of course.

Bubbalu had triple lined every square inch of the place with wrapping paper.


-my previously undecorated for the holiday season bathroom is now VERY festive
-my boy understands which colors coordinate perfectly for wrapping
-my boy knows QUALITY paper...he chose the best, most expensive wrapping paper for his "decorating"
-my boy knows how to entertain his younger sibling for great lengths of time
-my Christmas wrapping paper stockpile is now so low I must replace some posthaste
-my paper recycle bin is VERY full

And that is it. No DARK, GLASS HALF EMPTY side. Why???

Because THIS Mama, despite starting the day off as the crabbiest human in the universe, is choosing JOY...


*** Make my day and become a fan on the Vintage Dutch Girl Facebook Fan page found HERE ***

Friday, December 11, 2009

Mama's All Access Unlimited Ride Pass on the Hormone Roller Coaster...

Lil Chick and I ended a special relationship a week ago.

She was down to one nursing session a day, the 'going to bed' feeding. The last month had been more my encouraging than her asking as I was too stubborn to have to start her on formula after making it 11 months. So I finally stopped encouraging. And that was that.

And now, Mama's going CRAZY.

I just need to know this...did anyone else feel like they were riding the hormone roller coaster after weaning? Ya know, the hormone roller coaster that doesn't feature an END to the ride? The All Access Unlimited Ride Pass that doesn't let you get OFF?

Not only do I have an All Access Unlimited Ride Pass for the hormone roller coaster (and the crazy train too, but whatever), but that pass happens to be triple laminated and hangs from a nerdy lanyard around my neck. Which means that the conductor of the hormone roller coaster won't LET ME OFF THE RIDE.

(Not that I am in general referred to as a stable person, but whatever.)

Dear readers, I need your help, your advice, your commiseration, your sympathy and some hope. Especially those of you who have never left a comment...I'd LOVE to hear from you!

Seriously. Because this Mama needs some sort of pamphlet or brochure from the World Wide Mama "We've all been there, honey" support group...


*** Have a question you would like to see answered? Make my day and become a fan on the Vintage Dutch Girl Facebook Fan page HERE and throw your questions at me.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The BIRTHDAY PLAN of 2009...

I've been busy up in the bonus room. Just a quick smattering of projects. I've felt super inspired (yes, AGAIN.) and ready to do some major sewing and creating. Why why WHY do I have to be all inspired on the busiest week and month of the YEAR?

OK, it may not be THAT busy for you. What's on your plate this week? Maybe an office Christmas party, online shopping for those last 3 gifts you can't find and a quick trip to the mall?

This week we have TWO birthday parties. And I'm throwing them. Yep, Bubbalu and Lil Chick both have December birthdays....4 days apart....two weeks before Christmas. In DECEMBER. FOUR days apart. TWO birthdays. TWO weeks before Christmas.


OK, I'm officially done whining.

Truth is, I love throwing a party. I don't like to keep it simple and blah. When things are simple and blah I feel a bit sad. I LIKE to make parties special and create something unique for them. I also want to make sure my kids don't get the "oh, your birthday is so close to Christmas let's just lump the parties together" and have their birthday overlooked altogether. Problem is, throw two parties that I'd LOVE to have fun with together in one week (*ahem* 4 days apart) and there just isn't enough time to do it all.

Unless, that is, I plan ahead and maybe even create an excel spreadsheet detailing (insert booming loudspeaker echo voice) THE BIRTHDAY PLAN of 2009 complete with scheduled crafting, cake baking, decorating and even a rest time or two thrown in to keep Mama's sanity intact.

Good thing I plan ahead.

Lil Chick turned ONE yesterday. She makes me smile. She makes other people smile. She has dimples when she smiles.

We had a lovely, yet subdued (for me) party. Stay tuned, pictures coming soon.

There will be cake, there will be a tutu, and there will be dimples...


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Reasonable, Understanding and Rule-Following Child...

My husband and I had a great, Christmasy time wrapping all the kiddos Christmas (and birthday) presents yesterday afternoon. We listened to Christmas music and talked about how the kids would love their presents.

We had a strict talk with Bubbalu about the presents needing to stay under the tree and that they were strictly off limits.

I'm just SO glad he has recently developed into a reasonable, understanding and rule-following child:

It will be a miracle if the presents remain intact until the 25th. I'll keep you posted...

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