Showing posts with label Decorating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Decorating. Show all posts

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Travel Trailer Makeover, Part 3: Bright, Bold and Beautiful Fabric...

I was on another trailer stuff gathering shopping excursion and found my first color inspiration piece.  It was super late at night and I had left the kiddos at home with my Hubby...didn't really want to repeat the poo accident episode.

So, I'm walking through the world of Wally and saw this pillow....and Ka-Chow! another light bulb moment!

This pillow really helped me decide what my final colors would be.  Within a few days later I had ordered a large amount of fabric up for consideration.

My main fabric choice was this Premier Prints funky chevron number:

This premier prints Zoom-Zoom Village Blue was the perfect fit for designing a fresh, YOUNGER, modern style for my trailer sassification project. And the rest of my design board:

Also, for the bunk beds I decided to personalize their curtains and bedding. The fabric design board for their bunks:

Orange and navy chevron zigzag and stripes for Bubbalu on the left, pink elephants and chocolate brown polka dots for Lil Chick on the right.

ALL fabrics are the Premier Prints brand, purchased at I am in LOVE with Premier Prints fabrics. They have wonderfully modern, fresh, bright prints for home decor. I've been extremely happy with them! Also, they are super inexpensive. We're talking like $7.50 a I can change my mind often and it's totally OK.  Click HERE to see all that's available, if you dare!

Oh, did I also mention? Spend $35 and you get FREE SHIPPING. Awesomesauce.

Next up in the series: sticky, yucky wallpaper removal - UGH....

Amanda - Vintage Dutch Girl

Check out all the posts from this Travel Trailer Makeover Series!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Travel Trailer Makeover, Part 2: Before Tour...

OK, before I delve much deeper into this blog series we should do a formal BEFORE you can see the differences AFTER the project posts!

Hi there, how are you? Meet our newest family member:

Her name is Lumi (Loooo - Rhymes with 'Moo'....Me - Rhymes with, uh, 'Bee').

She's a new extra light travel trailer with bunk beds and bathroom in back, front queen bedroom and a large tip out.

This pic was taken while were going on our maiden voyage....err, campage trip this Memorial Day weekend.....and it's about 8 AM....and I am sleeping in my cozy bed. The kiddos were WAY too excited to go to bed at any sort of normal time and had also been up a few times that night (They still think that going potty in the trailer is a fun novelty)... and then woke up super early.  Super fun times!  My hubby, in my best interest and playing a strong offensive move in the game of crabby wife, gifted me with a few extra hours to sleep in and took the kiddos fishing. Smart man :)

And check it out, they were successful! Lil Chick was less than thrilled about the slimy fish. Look at her facial expressions:

Back to the tour. Here is the floor plan of our Passport 2650BH Travel Trailer:

Walk in the front door and you are looking into the main living area. Here are the before pics of the Dinette, Couch and Wallpaper:

Oh yes, the weird tacked down curtains and cornice top thingys as well.

Next up, turn to your right and you see the main bedroom:

4 inch foam mattress, blah divider curtains, more weird curtains, ho hum bedding, no sheets and also a "headboard". Yes, I'll put that in quotations.  It's an OK room, just not my style!

Next you turn to the left and you see the kitchen:
Lots o' wallpaper and another window cornice.

Lastly, head to the back and you see the bunks:

No, these are not the same pic :)  CLOSE. But not the same. Notice they have blinds. Not quiet cellular shades, but loud, scare you awake when you bump them in the middle of the night, blinds.  Also, looooong pull strings. Um, choking hazard? Yes. My Bubbalu would use them for some sort of mischief. That's for sure.  Took those down right away.

So. What have we learned today?

1. Amanda likes
2. Amanda likes to make collages with
3. Lil Chick doesn't like slimy fish
4. Tour of Lumi is complete
5. My Hubby is smart :)

Next post, new fabric choices!

Whatcha up to today? I'll be busy today sewing a casual summer dress for Lil Chick. We have a large family photo session with my Hubby's family coming up soon and she needs some new sassyness.

Also, my Bubbalu finished preschool yesterday! I can't believe he's ready for kindergarten in the fall. And.....summer vacay from school has now begun. This Mama will most definitely be surfing Pinterest for summer entertainment ideas! My cousin Maria introduced me to the idea of busy bags and I am LOVING THEM. Such a good idea.

See y'all soon-

Amanda- Vintage Dutch Girl

Check out all the posts from this Travel Trailer Makeover Series!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Travel Trailer Makeover, Part 1: Shower Curtain...

First of all, I apologize for the travel trailer sassification posting delay. See, we were busy actually USING our new trailer (Lumi) for the first time. You know, the main point of having a trailer. Not for shredding it to pieces and revamping it; for CAMPING. Err....glamping :)

OK, here goes.

It aaaaaalllll started with a shower curtain.

I'm in the middle of Fred Meyer with a list a MILE long of stuff I'm looking for to outfit our new travel trailer. Cooking hardware, organizational stuff, utensils, storage bins, etc....

The kiddos are being less than helpful.  I have them side by side in that weird car cart at Freddy's that had the kiddos high and up front "steering" the cart.

After breaking up eleventry hundred fights, reminding them eleventry hundred times to stop shrieking in the store, picking up my clipboard eleventry hundred times after they knocked it to the floor (Yes, I shop with a clipboard. Yes, I am a nerd. Hey, at least its not a fanny pack. ) I decided to go for it and let them stay in the Fred Meyer kid play area.

I'm one of those nervous types of Mama.  Kinda wary regarding these kinds of child care centers.  However, after having heard positive things about it from other Mama's that I trust, I decided to check it out.  Yup, loved the system and the safety features and went for it.  Bubbalu was pounding on the locked entrance door chanting, "let me in, let me in!"  A pretty good sign.

Was a SMART Mama and took the kiddos to the potty first.


So, I was now blissfully child-free and finally able to tackle my list.

Fast forward 10 minutes. I'm pushing my (now empty of children) ginormous child car cart through the store, knocking items off my list.  I find this gorgeous light aqua blue modern print shower curtain...and Ka-ChoW! Light bulb moment.

I say to myself, oh yes, I am GOING to find a way to switch out the current blah trailer shower curtain to this sassy one.

I'm holding the shower curtain in my hand when I hear this crackly overhead page,



At this point I'm guessing Bubbalu has jumped off a table or something and broke his arm. And please remember: It's been approximately ELEVEN minutes since I checked them in the child care center.

For real.

I get there and Lil Chick is bawling!  Turns out she has had an accident.  A HUGE accident. A poo in the pants accident.



Thankfully, I had thrown the sassy shower curtain into my cart. And by golly, I am NOT leaving the store without my sassy shower curtain. And all the other random stuff in my now full cart.

Picture this:  A now flustered Mama pushing a full-of-products-yet-still-childless child car cart around to the checkout line with one hand while the other hand is holding Lil Chick's hand. (There is NO way I'm going to carry her. Poo squishing down the side of my shirt and pants?! No thanks. Been there done that.)

Another SMART Mama move: I choose the Family Friendly checkout lane.

Because only a compassionate fellow parent can even possibly begin to understand my plight when my child is SCREAMING at the top of her little yet mighty lungs:


Broken record? Yes. Screamed this delightful little phrase from the time I first arrived at the child care center to pick her up, through the entire checking out process, aaaaalll the way to Lola (our Tahoe) in the back of the lot, and about halfway which point Mama remembers that she has a random Dora DVD in the car and by golly, that "we use the car TV only for LONG car trips" rule is going to be broken.

Stopped crying about three notes into the Dora theme song.

ANYWHO. Yes, a poo accident in a store.  Just another lovely entry in my parenting diary.

Back to the main point. I found a sassy shower curtain to replace the blah one that came with the trailer.  I first seam ripped the handing hardware off the original shower curtain. Then I cut and hemmed the new shower curtain to size since a trailer shower is much smaller than a regular shower.  Instead of a traditional shower bar and rings we have glide tracks in our trailer bathroom with glide tape sewn to the very top edge of the shower curtain.

Glide tape is flexible plastic strips with little clips every 6 inches or so:

Using a zipper foot on your sewing machine, set your (hefty upholstery size) needle to a side position:

and sew along the top and bottom of the plastic glide tape strip directly onto the top inside of your fabric:

Trim off the excess and you are done! Snap that sassy curtain up onto the slide tape and take some photos:

SO much better.  More projects to come! Next time I'll be able to do full before/after photos as I wizened up and started snapping pics before I took things apart.

Off I go to clean my (ignored-for-a-month-because-I-was-sassifying-our-trailer) house...

Amanda - Vintage Dutch Girl

Check out all the posts from this Travel Trailer Makeover Series!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mojo. Heritage. RV Upholstery. Yup, hold on to your socks...

Schneikees, I've been neglecting this blog. Again.

I've thought about taking a permanent break on this blogging thingymajig because you can't really predict if you've got the bloggy mojo or not.

And that mojo has been sparse this year. Sparse, I tell ya.

It tends to show up when I'm adequately rested, fed, exercised, and all is right in my parenting world.

Um, yeah. That's not often.

However, I like this thing.  I like just blurting out whatever I want to blurt out.

I can talk about my kids. Or shopping. Or parenting failures. Or parenting successes. Or crafting and sewing (LOVE). Or DIY. Or decorating. Or Pinterest. Or cooking.

It's just my slice of life. And in the end? I'm blogging for my family. I hope my kiddos can look back on what I wrote and (aside from immense guilt at the potty training torture they put me through) feel like they really get me. Like they really know me.

And in the end that's all that matters. Not fortune or fame or any worldly possession or accolade. It's all about the heritage of our family.

Whoa. Didn't mean to get so deep there.  Quick, let's change the subject before I bawl all over the keyboard.

So, what's new with you?  Are all three of you still here?

Our latest news: We finally bought a travel trailer, YAY!  We are a family seriously in love with camping. Er....I mean GLAMping. Heh.  My hotel on wheels isn't exactly "roughing it".  I don't care if you are sleeping on the ground in your shirt or are in a huge deluxe RV, it is an awesome way to build family memories and have some fun. Once again, our family heritage had a huge influence on our love of camping...{sniff!}...We both grew up in camping families and have multiple camping trips planned this summer.  Often with the, often with BOTH sets of the grandparents! Oh its just SO lovely when your parents and in-laws are friends :)

Anywho, back to the travel trailer:

Guess what? I tore the entire thing apart and sassified it.

Yep, it was a brand new trailer.

Yep, I tore it apart.

What can I say, my hubby loves me (and deeply trusts me too, I guess!). And he gets me. He knows this kind of creative project breathes joy and life into my soul.

So, I'm a thinking I should show you my huge six week project of sassifying our new travel trailer. Yes? Yes.

See you soon. I think. Maybe. We'll see... 

Amanda - VintageDutchGirl

 Check out all the posts from this Travel Trailer Makeover Series!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I've got the BLUES...

I've got a recent fondness (OK, obsession) with the color blue.

This obsession is evident in the silver sage paint in my house (that is really a lighter blue/gray):

(Restoration Hardware Silver Sage, bottom right)

the clothes I wear (currently a teal long sleeved top. You'll thank me for not taking a self portrait of myself right now. Not my best day)....

or the fabrics I choose to purchase for new scarf patterns for VintageDutchGirl Etsy:

(VintageDutchGirl Etsy) Pin It

Yup, They are all BLUE.

I tend to drift towards bluesy green hues that remind me of our sometimes dreary, yet cozy Pacific NW coast and skies:

Link(Image via Design-Seeds)

Or the brighter aqua hues of a Caribbean ocean:

(Image via Design-Seeds)

They all speak to me differently: Invigorating, restful, peppy, cool, classy, funky, soothing.

Just Remember: Having the blues isn't always a bad thing.

After all, I'm currently sitting in my silver sage painted dining room on a dark red dining chair while wearing my teal shirt....and a big smile.

Amanda - VintageDutchGirl

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Lola's Winter Playdate...

I found a great item to help entertain the kiddos (um, I mean me) this winter:

I'm certain Lola (my Tahoe) would be oh so excited to use some of her brawn and plow snow all the live long day.

All I need is cozy clothes, a nice ginormous mocha, and a whole slew of Christmas Cd's and I'm good to go. We'll go ahead and write our own book: 'Lola and the Big Snow'

That is, if we even do get snow this year. Oh please oh please oh please! I'm ready for winter boots, chunky knit hats, a magical white wonderland and sipping hot chocolate by the fire while snow falls softly outside. I must say, I am just itching to get to decorating for Christmas. Can barely stand it.

And yes, I still celebrate Thanksgiving...I LOVE Thanksgiving! One of the things I'm MOST thankful for? Christ's birth...hence the early decorating!

Anyone else just itching to put up their Christmas decor!? Or have you already? I know I'm not alone in this!

Off to plug in twinkly lights -

Amanda -Vintage Dutch Girl

Monday, October 10, 2011

How To Make a Craft Booth Sign...

I am knee deep in crafting, labeling, pricing, organizing, packing and planning for the Ruffles & Rust Vintage Market show next Friday and Saturday at the Evergreen Fairgrounds in Monroe, WA. You coming? Print off the coupon on very top right sidebar for $3 off your entrance fee.

One of the hugest projects on my to-do list was to create some sort of sign for my booth. You know, let people know what booth they are shopping in. I really really REALLY didn't want to spend big $$$ on this sign. But yeah, wanted it to look amazing. Of course.

Finally figured out what would work best.

First off, you need a hugenormous frame. My Mom has this large black ornate picture frame that my sis and I have been teasingly(sorta) arguing over for the past 10 years or so. Mom keeps hiding it in new secret spots all over her house, refusing to let us touch it.

However. She let me borrow it :)

Let's make a sign, shall we?

1. Gather your supplies:
- A hugenormous frame and a backer board that fits the frame.
- Level, Measuring tape, large clamps.
- Fabric larger than backer board (I used a drop cloth).
- Archival non-smudging ink pens. Yup, plural.
- Push pins, Straight pins and tape.
- Old school overhead projector.
- Your chosen logo/saying/photo etc printed on a transparency (local print store can easily do that for ya. Mine cost 89 cents. Perfect.).
- Clear Glaze Spray (optional), Adhesive Spray.
- Kiddos entertained with DVD.
- Diet Coke. Duh.

2. Stretch fabric and tack to wall. Make sure it's level! I used a windowsill to help it stay level.

(These are the pens I used. Fine point on one end, calligraphy plume on the other.)

3. Tape the transparency to your old school projector. Make sure it's level!

4. Turn projector on, center and level the logo. Measure, remeasure and then measure again...for good measure.

(sip your diet coke. Quickly check on the kiddos)

5. Carefully CAREFULLY start outlining your logo. Go from left to right to prevent smudging.

6. Turn off projector every so often and check for missed spots and lines. (sip more diet coke, insert a new DVD for the kiddos). Carefully fill in your traced lines.

7. Ah yes, so nice! If your frame doesn't have glass (like mine) then you should think about sealing your project. I used Krylon Clear Glaze spray. Test on a written on fabric scrap first! Cover entire project, let dry.

8. Here's another step where you need to measure, remeasure and then measure some more. Center and level the logo on your backer board and firmly clamp. Work with half the project at a time. Have a helper (a handsome husband works great for this role :) hold up the bottom half of the project while you spray the adhesive on the backer board. Slowly and firmly press the sign down from the center out and make certain to eliminate air bubbles. Repeat on other side.

9. Trim excess fabric from the edge of the sign. Leave a 2 inch selvage.

10. Place your newly made, oh so cool logo in frame and use support boards to keep in place. I'm athinkin having my sign crash to the ground mid-show wouldn't make me feel too grand.

11. The best part! Hang it up!!!
Pin It

SOOOOO excited how this turned out! And yes, this picture is HORRIBLE. It doesn't do the sign any justice. Captures about 10% of the awesome factor of this handmade sign. Time for a new camera?! :)

Oh, almost forgot the last step:

12. Finish that Diet Coke!

Amanda - Vintage Dutch Girl

Keep up to date with newest products and Ruffles & Rust show updates on my Facebook page found here.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Ruffles & Rust!!!

OK folks, announcement time!
{deep breath}
I am so very honored to be invited to participate for my very first craft show! I am going to be a vendor at the uber-amazing, so-much-to-look-at-it's-dizzyin, handmade-heaven, inspirational Ruffles & Rust show! Eeek! If you've never been, it is HIGH time you go.

This HUGE 90+ vendor show, presented by Come Junk With Us, is a vintage market filled with antiques, clothing, home décor, handmade accessories and more…This show is very similar to the oh-so-sassy and fun Farm Chicks show. Uh huh. Wonderfulness.

The fun is happening October 22, 2011 at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe, Washington (click for map and directions). Doors open at 9 AM, with an $8 entrance charge….but I've heard shoppers start lining up before 7 AM! Grab your gal pals and get there early with a Pumpkin Spice Latte in your hand to keep you warm while you wait :
Yesterday, I dragged my sis-in-law in with me to the recently opened Ruffles & Rust Square located in historic Snohomish, WA. We were both drooling over the fun items in there! I was able to pick up something wonderful for you…and to shop a bit, of course. I've got a COUPON for you folks! Ah yes, LOVE me a good coupon.

Present this coupon at the entrance and get $3 off your entrance fee.
$5.00 is much nicer to see than $8.00, right!? (Plus, it means you can spend moreJ). If you see me out n about, I've got one I can hand to you personally, or you can just print your coupon off right here:

I will have a LARGE assortment of my infinity scarves available to try on and purchase, with new styles and patterns I haven't yet listed in my ETSY shop.
Many of the scarves will be pre-folded and tied up with a ribbon and tag, PERFECT for gift giving. All you gotta do is throw em in a gift bag, stuff some crepe paper in and
Course, I don't just plan on scarves, I've got some SASSY half aprons – Rows and rows of ruffles, each apron is one of a kind! Add in a lovely bunch of handmade earrings (from subdued colors and sizes to jaunty reds, oranges, and blues to STATEMENT earrings), some nifty, witty throw pillows and a few other secrets I've got up my sleeve and that will be one FULL booth.
I've been a busy little sewing bee, running my sewing machine, serger, and iron to their very limit. And having a MAHvelOUS time! Oh to have a maid to cook and clean so I could play all the live long day…ah yes, a lovely dream J
Click on the link for some handy hints and tips for shoppers from Some really good info, ex. most vendors are CASH ONLY.
HOWEVER, I'll be accepting cash, paypal (if you have a smartphone with you), and Credit Cards through the tiny yet amazing and secure Square accessory for my iPhone. SO nice for shoppers who find stuff they just can't pass up! Christmas shopping 2011? Oh yes. I plan to be DONE with my shopping by the time the show ends.
I do hope to see you there, can't wait to chat with you! Off to sew again…
Amanda – Vintage Dutch Girl
Keep up to date with newest products and show updates on my Facebook page found here!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Framed Pink Lemonade Sunshinyness...

I'll frame just about anything.

I want it to be cute, seasonally appropriate and low cost...or even better, FREE. Cause I like free.

I pick up picture frames (glass and mat or no) at our local thrift shop a few times a month. So, that means I usually have a large stash of frames just waiting for their turn with the spray paint. Unlike the rest of the nation, it's been super rainy here this "summer" so I've not had many chances to be outside spray painting things. So sad.

However, I did manage to get one frame spray painted a nice sunny yellow. Insert a 4X6 Costco print of this summerific Pink Lemonade Recipe free printable (from Funkytime). Staple a length of knotted fabric to the back as a hanger and hang it up.Pin It

Well hello bit o summer, nice to meet you! Yes, you ARE making it seem more sunshiney in my house. And making me thirsty. For purty pink lemonade in a glass with a sugar coated rim.

Nope, it wasn't free, but does under $1.00 count as cheap n thrifty? Yup, think so.

I just love the Insta-summer-art.

OK, not instant. It took me a good month to finish this project. Because I can be extremely forgetful about a project until my hubby gives me an "um, hello, what is this yellow frame doing just sitting on a pile of books in the garage?" look. Then my memory miraculously returns.

Happy Summer y'all..


Follow VintageDutchGirl on FACEBOOK :) Cause sometimes I post on there. If I feel like it. If I'm bored...because no one is playing their words on Words With Friends.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Broken Mirror to Fake Transom...and a Doubtful TjMaxx Dude...

Awhile back while pursuing the aisles of TjMaxx I came across this:

It was in the clearance aisle....AKA Amanda's Playground.

Don't remember how much. I think $6 ish.

Brought it to the register. Dude looks at me with a "are you some kind of stupid?" look on his face and says, "uh, you DO know it's broken, right?"

I smiled, "yup!"

He raised his eyebrows, sighed and finished ringing up my purchases.

I find it strangely hilarious knowing he will forever wonder about the crazy lady who purchased a broken mirror.

Maybe he will one day come across this post.

While wearing thick work gloves I carefully took the broken mirror out and tossed it.

Spray Prime

Spray Paint

Wipe on glaze mixed with dark brown paint.

Wipe it off

Wipe it on

Wipe it off get the idea....

You end up with a nicely aged finish in the seams and edges. PERFECT.

Check it out, a fake transom above my double sliding glass door:

SO much better than a dingy gold cracked mirror:

Before n After:

Pin It

Dear Doubtful TjMaxx Dude,

Didn't see that one coming, didya?

:) Amanda

LAST DAY TO ENTER! Live in the Pacific NW? Love animals? A great family ticket pack for the Pet Expo going on July 8-10 is up for grabs! Ends TOMORROW!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Smart Organizing...

I keep searching Pinterest for smart, inventive way to organize random household stuff. Ya know, the stuff you need but have no idea how to keep it purty.

In almost all of these photos I've thought, "Der, why didn't I think of that!?"

Fight the daily paper piles:

Using hidden available spaces:

Makes SO much sense. Just not sure I want a sock bulletin board visible to all:

Lil Chick and Bubbalu would have a heyday with this one! (Picture a pile of unrolled ribbon, a pretty white plastic contained filled with empty cardboard ribbon spools and a mother plugging her ears and slowly counting to 10.)


Took this photo this morning of my linen closet:


Smart AND cute:

Once again, a heydey. But super smart:

If only I had multiple balls of twine and pretty metal funnels:

LOVE. Dad, see this? I'm certain you could build that:)

Tis true!

Anyone inspired to organize? Me too :) All images via my Pinterest Organizational Ideas Board.


P.S. The $50 giftcard giveaway for blessing Mama's and Babies is still going on! You have time to enter to win, go HERE.

Follow VintageDutchGirl on FACEBOOK :)
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